Page 28 - La Agroforestería frente a la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible
P. 28

Inga and Camëntsá indigenous

                                                                                      agroforestry systems in

                                                                                      Colombia as suppliers of

                                                                                      provisioning, regulating and

                                                                                      cultural ecosystem services

                                                                                      The identification of the agroforestry systems of the   the only system they rely on, and 20 families have two
                                                                                      Camëntsá and Inga communities is of vital importance    home gardens on the farm. The high number of people
                                                                                      for further valuation of ecosystem services. The present   with home gardens explains why, despite its small size
                                                                                      enquiry was based on a quantitative research strategy and   (from 120 m  to 3 ha), it occupies relevant land coverage
                                                                                      a cross-sectional research design. In order to identify the   of 69 ha, making it the second largest system. Food,
                                                                                      indigenous agrarian systems and the whole population,   natural medicines, fuel, and fiber are the prevailing final
             Vandreé Julián Palacios Bucheli ,                                        a census was conducted in five villages of the Sibundoy   services obtained from the agroforestry system of the
             Wolfgang Bokelmann     2                                                 Valley, Colombia. The unit of analysis was the indigenous   Camëntsá and Inga communities. The provision of these

             1 Humboldt University of Berlin, Agricultural                            farm; therefore, every household was visited and asked   goods lets the communities meet some basic needs of
             Economic Program, Germany; Universidad de                                about their agrarian systems, land tenure, and economic   self-consumption; additionally, the households generate
             Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales U.D.C.A                                 activities. One hundred and forty-five households were   income from the production surplus sales. The market
                                                                                      found dwelling in the assessed territory. Three types of   and subsistence scheme of the agroforestry systems
             2 Humboldt University of Berlin, Agricultural                            agroforestry systems were found: silvopastoral covering   increases the possibilities for accomplishing well-being.
             Economic Program, Germany                                                the largest area (59.5%), agrosilvopastoral comprised   Other ecosystem services involved within the agroforestry
                                                                                      of  home  gardens  (21%),  and  agrisilvicultural  (9.8%)   systems are regulating and cultural. Regulating services
             *e-mail: [email protected]                                           involving  the  market-oriented  crops  growing  under   are  related  to  the  fluctuations  in  levels  of  soil  loss,

             Key-words: Aesthetic landscapes; carbon                                  woody perennial species. In addition to agroforestry,   habitat for wildlife, crop protection through formation of
             sequestration; food; home garden; silvopastoral.                         some  households  (9.7%)  own  lands  on  the  upper    microclimate, and carbon sequestration. Cultural heritage
                                                                                      surroundings, covered by natural vegetation. Out of the   and aesthetic landscapes are the final cultural services
             Sponsoring institutions: Erasmus Mundus.                                 145 families found, 123 make use of the home garden     involved in the agroforestry systems.
                                                                                      on the farm. For 40 households, the home garden is
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