Degree Awarded: Master in Management and Integrated Solid Waste Management
Level of training: Master’s degree
Duration: 2 years with a six-monthly call
Mode: Classroom-based
SNIES Code: 107408
Qualified Registration: Resolution 013549 of August 15, 2018, granted by MINEDUCACION
Total Credits: 52
Number of Credits I Semester: 12
Credit value Year 2024: $ 560.000
Tuition Fee 1st Semester Year 2024: $ 6.720.000 *
Academic Space: Avenida Boyacá # 66A – 61
Schedule: Saturdays from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Contact: María Mercedes Callejas
Telephone: (60 1) 6684700, extension: 513
E-mail: [email protected]
*The cost of tuition from the second academic semester onwards will depend on the number of academic credits enrolled.
We are a University with High Quality Institutional Accreditation: Resolution 017390 of December 27, 2019 (for 4 years), granted by MINEDUCACIÓN.
Human activities generate waste of all kinds, from urban and rural, through special, hazardous, technological and non-conventional waste, a situation that becomes complex from a socio-ecological perspective, given that in nature there is no “WASTE” and everything recirculates as matter or energy. In today’s post-modernity, an era that some have called the Anthropocene, with all its effects and impacts, where the axis is anthropocentrism, a new economic model called Circular Economy emerges as an emerging, disruptive and necessary alternative towards sustainability, to control and reduce the impacts on the environment and society generated by solid waste.
Objective of the programme
To train professionals highly capable of intervening favourably in the sustainable management of solid waste, from the technical-scientific and cultural perspective of the circular economy, in an interdisciplinary and systemic way, open to dialogue with other knowledge and to innovation as an alternative to solve the problematic situation of waste.
Entry profile
The applicant to the MGYGIRS Programme can be from any area of knowledge but with a strong interest in the subject of solid waste, preferably with critical-propositive professional experience and teamwork skills. Must have a professional degree in any disciplinary or professional field.
Profile of graduates
Graduates of the Master’s Degree in Management and Integrated Solid Waste Management are managers of municipal, business or social solid waste plans, programmes and projects within the framework of the circular economy, who formulate local, regional and global solutions, integrating, planning and developing projects that contribute to reducing the generation of solid waste and increasing its use and recovery.
Occupational profile
Graduates of the Master’s Degree in Management and Integrated Solid Waste Management will be able to work in public and private entities, consultancy firms, NGOs, academic institutions or in their own business ventures:
- Develop and propose public policies on solid waste and circular economy.
Design, implement and operate plans, programmes and projects on ISWM. - Plan, manage and evaluate Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management Plans PGIRS within the framework of the National Circular Economy Strategy.
- Promote and consolidate cooperation between different actors and interaction between the public and private sectors in the field of sanitation and basic and environmental sanitation.
- Generate proposals for entrepreneurship, development and technological innovation.
- Manage private, public and third sector organisations dedicated to solid waste management, in compliance with the SDGs, ENEC and OECD commitments.
- Develop and apply models of social and economic development in relation to the environment, in particular with smart and sustainable communities and cities.
- Support Territorial Planning based on waste management requirements.
- Design and apply Circular Economy models and systems for solid waste.
- Empower communities on the concept of Waste that under a social, economic and technological process is valorised to become a Resource.
Se aborda las interrelaciones del medio físico, biológico y antrópico, desde el enfoque sistémico establecido por el pensamiento sistémico y el enfoque de la complejidad
Además de requerir una mirada y acción multi e interdisciplinar, la gestión sostenible de los residuos es transdisciplinar.
Concepción teórica
Para esta maestría la Economía Circular se toma como nuevo paradigma en la Gerencia y la Gestión de residuos, en el marco de las metas de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible ODS y la agenda 2030.
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