Master’s Degree in Sports Science

Degree Obtained: Master in Sport Sciences
Level of study: Master’s degree
Duration: 4 semesters
Mode: Face-to-face
SNIES Code: 102849
Qualified Registration: Resolution No. 010300 of June 4, 2021, awarded by MINEDUCACIÓN
Total Credits: 50
Number of Credits I Semester: 13
Credit value Year 2024: $ 745.000
Tuition Fee Year 2024: $ 9.685.000 *
Academic Space: Calle 222 # 55 – 37
Contact: Néstor Ordoñez Saavedra
Telephone: (60 1) 6684700, extension: 116
E-mail: [email protected]

*The cost of tuition from the second academic semester onwards will depend on the number of academic credits enrolled.

We are a University with Institutional Accreditation of High Quality: Resolution 017390 of December 27, 2019 (for 4 years), granted by MINEDUCACIÓN.


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The Master’s Degree in Sport Sciences will develop the necessary skills and competencies that will allow the professional who undertakes the training to delve deeper into an area of knowledge, thereby developing skills in interpretation, argumentation and proposition, at the end of the postgraduate studies. It also seeks to provide appropriate guidance on current and advanced knowledge in the areas of Sports Training and Management in Sport, from a conceptual and practical point of view.

Objective of the programme

The Master’s Degree in Sport Sciences seeks to train postgraduates with a multidisciplinary vision that has enabled them to analyse, develop and innovate in the different areas of Sport Sciences, with research skills, ability to search for documentary sources, elaboration and understanding of scientific communication and mastery of research techniques and instruments in the different methodologies and approaches used in sport sciences and physical activity.


Entry profile

Profile of graduates

The professional profile of the Master in Sport Sciences has been defined from the scientific needs and current social problems that the country has in postgraduate training in this field, which of course requires new approaches to performance in line with the progress of society. Likewise, the professional profile responds to the areas of development of sport in Colombia, as defined by the Law (Law 181 of 1995) such as school sport, performance sport and social sport. The programme materialises the consolidation of this profile through comprehensive training and a set of skills and knowledge that will enable the Master to understand the biopsychosocial aspects, the determining factors and the problems that are generated in the various contexts of sport. In this sense, graduates of the Master’s programme are professionals with a multidisciplinary vision that has enabled them to analyse, develop and innovate in the different areas of Sport Sciences, with research capacity, ability to search for documentary sources, elaboration and understanding of scientific communication and mastery of research techniques and instruments in the different methodologies and approaches used in sport sciences and physical activity. The Master’s degree in Sport Sciences programme will be characterised by its commitment to the transformation of the epistemological, philosophical and investigative conception of sport that circulates in the social imaginary.

Occupational profile

Researcher, director of research groups or centres at regional, national and international level, in subjects related to sport 2. Expert teacher within higher education programmes at undergraduate, specialisation and master’s level in disciplinary and interdisciplinary fields related to Sport Sciences. 3. Manager or coordinator of plans and programmes for the promotion of sport in public or private entities at national and international level. 4. Consultant or expert advisor on issues related to sport. 5. Methodologist or scientific team leader in sport preparation processes, at the level of high achievement.




Otro elemento distintivo del programa es que nuestra propuesta esta concordación con los programas de Maestría a nivel internacional donde el objeto de su estudio son las ciencias del deportes.

Posición y Consolidación

En la actualidad el programa de Maestría después de seis años de funcionamiento de forma ininterrumpida en la formación de Magister, ha logrado consolidarse y posicionarse en el contexto colombiano, por sus aportes en la formación de expertos en el campo del entrenamiento y la gerencia deportiva y es el único programa de Maestría de Ciencias del Deporte en el país.

Desarrollo y Experiencia

El programa de maestría en Ciencias del Deporte emergió como producto del desarrollo y la experiencia adquirida por la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud en el campo del deporte a través de sus programas de pregrado y posgrado. A nivel de pregrado con el programa profesional en Ciencias del Deporte, que, a la fecha, ha formado más de 709 profesionales y cuenta con acreditación de calidad, el programa de técnico en entrenamiento deportivo con 213 graduados y la Especialización en Entrenamiento Deportivo con 217. Es decir, la Facultad cuenta con un gran acumulado de conocimientos teóricos, científicos, prácticos y experticia en la formación en el campo del deporte, que se materializaron y potencializaron en el programa de maestría.




Entrenamiento Deportivo

Aspectos moleculares y fisiológicos del deporte

La gobernanza en el deporte colombiano