Program for
SNIES 54567
LEVEL OF EDUCATION: University Professional
DURATION: 9 semesters
MODALITY: Presential
SNIES Code: 21478
QUALIFIED REGISTRATION: Resolution No. 016493 of August 18, 2022, granted by MINEDUCACION
HIGH QUALITY ACCREDITATION: Resolution 9531 of May 11, 2017 (6 years), granted by MINEDUCACIÓN.
ARCUSUR INTERNATIONAL ACCREDITATION: Agreement 1 of 2017, granted by the National Accreditation Agency Network.
CREDIT VALUE YEAR 2024: $370.000
HEADQUARTERS: Calle 222 # 55 - 37
CONTACT: Claudia Marcela Velásquez
TELEPHONE: (60 1) 6684700, Extension: 110
EMAIL: [email protected]
Applicant Profile
Become a professional nurse with an environmental focus, transform your environment and contribute to building a better future.
You will have access to our simulation laboratory, amphitheater and our national and international agreements for hospital and business internships, semesters abroad and research projects.
Our International Accreditation in the ARCU-SUR System facilitates the recognition of the degree for professional practice in bilateral, multilateral, regional or sub-regional conventions, treaties or agreements that are concluded in this regard in the States Parties of MERCOSUR and Associated States.
Profile of our Graduates
The graduate of the Nursing program of the U.D.C.A. will be characterized by being a professional leader, autonomous, integral and integral with a solid disciplinary, ethical and bioethical, social, scientific, environmental, humanistic and civic conscience training. With the ability to manage and manage nursing care within the disciplinary, legal framework, based on scientific evidence, in the different moments and dimensions of the vital process, and the scenarios of human development in the educational, research, managerial, managerial and assistance areas of promotion, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of individuals, families, communities and collectives. Able to perform in an interprofessional, intercultural and inclusive manner in health institutions and organizations, educational and social institutions, territorial entities and business sectors of the public and private sector.
The mission of the Nursing Program of the U.D.C.A. is the integral formation of nursing professionals in a context of academic excellence, knowledge, responsibility, within the framework of teaching, research and social projection, committed to sustainable development and the environment for the resolution of health situations of individuals, families, communities and collectives based on the criteria of responsibility, ethics, honesty and social sensitivity at a national and global level.
The Nursing Program of the U.D.C.A. will be recognized for its high quality in the formation of scientific and technical professionals, with social and environmental sensitivity, innovative attitude to assume professional responsibilities in the integral conception of the human being, with skills to adapt and respond to changes in the health context regarding the use of technologies, political and regulatory changes with emphasis on promotion and protection of the health of individuals, families, communities and collectives, strengthened in teaching, research and social projection with clear guidelines for internationalization in the global framework of nursing.
Nursing Program 20 years.
Nursing Program 20 years. Commitment to the formation of professionals in Colombia
Institutional text, which compiles the history of the Nursing Program in the 20 years and its consolidation during this period, highlighting the main achievements, focused on teaching, outreach and social projection, research and internationalization. It also dedicates one of its chapters to the leadership and contribution of its graduates; another to the social and environmental commitment and culminates with the topic Nursing care present and future. Perspectives of the Program.
For this purpose, I attach the cover of the Memoirs, both in PDF and PNG and the full text, in PDF, for both versions.
I would appreciate if this can be done before Tuesday of next week, since the Nursing program is scheduled to have its event related to this text on Wednesday, May 11, 2022.
Nursing Program 20 years.
Memory in the Elderly
Primer that aims to show that memory, one of the most important components of the system, is a fundamental pillar for the survival of human beings and where it is not possible to conceive the world without the existence of this cognitive function. In its absence, the evolution of people would be limited to an infinite perception of images, sounds and sensations that would be lost in time, there would be no place
Nursing Program 20 years.
Pain in the Elderly
The knowledge of the characteristics of pain and its impact on the quality of life of older adults represents a valuable contribution to the field of clinical gerontology, since it allows to improve the understanding of the phenomena that arise as a consequence of the nociceptive process and serves as a starting point to qualify the management of these patients. This publication is the result of the work developed in the Aging and Old Age Research Group of the Medicine Program of the Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales U.D.C.A., which materialized in the project “Clinical characteristics of pain in older adults of the Fundación Santa Sofía para la Atención del Anciano en Bogotá D.C.”.
Nursing Program 20 years.
Arterial hypertension: A life cycle approach
Arterial hypertension is a condition that affects one out of every three adults around the world, making it a serious public health problem, given the seriousness of the complications derived from cardiovascular compromise, including myocardial infarction, cerebral vascular disease, heart failure and kidney disease, among others. In this regard, it is worth remembering that cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death globally, with nearly nine million deaths each year, and have a great impact on the quality of life of those who suffer from them. This book seeks to present, in an orderly and didactic manner, updated and practical information about this disease, with a life-cycle approach, so that it can be used as study and reference material by students and health professionals, in academic practice and care, and as reference and analysis material for the general public.
Nursing Program 20 years.
Study Manual and Learning Guides for Human Anatomy 2
Anatomy is as old as mankind. Primitive man was concerned about investigating what he had around him, the phenomena and also wanted to know about its origin and also about his body anatomy. To achieve this knowledge, he made use of comparative anatomy, in order to differentiate structures with those of the animals he killed to survive. The anatomy of the 19th century has been integrated with molecular and evolutionary biology, comparative anatomy, auxology supported by diagnostic images, such as magnetic resonance imaging and scanography, which have allowed expanding knowledge of anatomy in the living being. In this second part, it is studied, in its chapters: Endocranium and Cranial Orifices; Bones of Face and Skull; Muscles of Facial Expression and Parotid Gland; Trigeminal and Facial Nerves; Orbit and Ocular Globe; Nasal Fossae and Paranasal Sinuses; Ear; Superficial Neck and Triangles; Deep Neck; Larynx; Supraclavicular Region; Supraclavicular, Retro sternum; Costal Grid and Diaphragm; Mediastinum; Pleura and Pericardium; Lungs, Bronchus and Trachea; Heart; Clinical Correlation of the Heart; Abdominal Wall; Peritoneum and Small Intestine; Stomach and Spleen; Pancreas and Duodenum; Large Intestine; Liver and Biliary Tract; Solar Plexus, Lumbrosac and Retroperitoneum; Kidney, Urinary System and Bladder; Internal Iliac Artery and Sacral and Hypogastric Plexuses; Endopelvis and Pelvic Walls; Bladder, Rectum and Anus; Male and Female Perineum; Male Genitalia; Female Genitalia.
Nursing Program 20 years.
Study Manual and Learning Guides for Human Anatomy 1
Anatomy is as old as mankind. Primitive man was concerned about investigating what he had around him, the phenomena and also wanted to know about its origin and also about his body anatomy. To achieve this knowledge, he made use of comparative anatomy, in order to differentiate structures with those of the animals he killed to survive. The anatomy of the 19th century has been integrated with molecular and evolutionary biology, comparative anatomy, auxology supported by diagnostic images, such as magnetic resonance imaging and scanography, which have allowed expanding knowledge of anatomy in the living being. In this first part, it is studied, in its chapters: General anatomy, anatomical position and nomenclature; General osteology, arthrology, myology; General respiratory and cardiovascular systems; General neuroanatomy; Superficial and deep back, neck and rachis; Osteology and arthrology of upper limbs; Shoulder and scapular region; Pectoral region, mammary gland, brachial plexus and axilla; Anterior and posterior arm; Anterior and posterior forearm; Hand and clinical evaluation of upper limbs; Osteology of the lower limb; Lumbar and lumbosacral plexus; Gluteal region and hip; Anterior and posterior thigh, popliteal region; Anterior and posterior leg; Foot dorsum and sole and clinical evaluation of lower limbs; Ontogeny and phylogeny of the central nervous system; Cerebral cortex and functional areas; Diencephalon, midline nuclei, thalamus; Brain stem, meninges, CSF ventricle; Cerebellum; Arterial and venous circulation, nervous system; Ascending and descending pathways; Cranial nerves 2,5 and 7; Cranial nerves 3. and extraocular muscles; Olfactory limbic, hypothalamus and neurovegetative nervous system; Clinical evaluation central nervous system.
Nursing Program 20 years.
Manual of Morphophysiology and clinical correlation of the heart.
The Manual of Morphology of the Heart contains all the updated aspects related to anatomy, developmental biology, comparative anatomy and the steps to perform a correct dissection of the heart; it also contains the basic techniques of dissection, physiology and pathology. The Manual is intended to serve as a guide text for learning, highlighting the most important structures of this organ; in addition, it contains didactic photos, in which the relationships, vascular structures and the entire procedure carried out in dissection can be observed. By means of this dissection technique, the most relevant structures can be shown, in order to guide, in a practical and applicative way, the study of the anatomy of the heart, with the advantage of having the respective conventions, to make the learning process easier.
Nursing Program 20 years.
Pharmacovigilance and Clinical Pharmacy
The text is the result of the authors’ research and is a guide for the understanding of the fundamentals of Pharmacovigilance and Clinical Pharmacy, with the understanding that the professional work of the Pharmaceutical Chemist in the clinic consists of advising and guiding other health professionals on the establishment of dosage regimens, prevention and detection of interactions and adverse drug reactions.
Nursing Program 20 years.
Step-by-step research - Second edition
Today, after 11 years of practice of the mentioned work and under the title Investigación paso a paso, the author updates, incorporates new chapters and revises concepts, all this, product and consequence of her research tasks and practices and of the logical evaluation of this task, in our University. It is also pertinent to point out that the text refers to and merges the new requirements issued by COLCIENCIAS – Publindex, in the sense of approaching, correctly, a research project, either by research groups, young researchers and seedlings, with the logic that leads to its successful execution, to a possible co-financing by State entities or private collaboration and to its future dissemination, at national or international level.
Nursing Program 20 years.
Proceedings of the First International Meeting on Nursing in Home Care
The Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales U.D.C.A., through its Nursing Program, organized this event from March 15 to 17, 2012, with the participation of national and international speakers and compiled the presentations in CD format.