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               nadequate municipal solid waste   and to compare the different systems   Índice de ciudades verdes de
               management generates serious   used for waste treatment. Based on the   EE. UU. Y Canadá. Munich: Jason
             Ienvironmental, social and public health   documentary analysis and the analytical   Sumner, Vanessa Barchfield.
              consequences that are a major barrier to   description of the systems used, spaces   Lopez, L.J.R.; Castro, A.I.G. (2021).
              the growth and development of cities.   for discussion will be generated in   Sustainability and resilience in
              Solid  waste  management  becomes   order to raise awareness and promote   smart city planning: A review.
              more complex in those governments   the implementation of strategic waste   Sustainability (Switzerland), 13(1),
              of cities in constant demographic and   management techniques and systems   1–25.
              economic growth called “emerging   that contribute to the reduction of the   su13010181
              cities”, which are characterized by a   impacts generated by urban solid waste   Macías Luis, P.M. (2018). La Gestión
              population of between 100,000 and   management.                    Integral de Residuos Sólidos
              2 million inhabitants. They are still the                          Urbanos desde una perspectiva
              product of flexible urbanism, responsive                           territorial en el estado de Hidalgo
              to accommodate vernacular economies  REFERENCIAS                   y sus municipios.  CENTRO  DE
              to changing conditions, weak enough
                                                                                 INVESTIGACIÓN EN CIENCIAS DE
              and multidimensional ecologies.                                    INFORMACIÓN GEOESPACIAL, A.C.
              Because of their exponential growth,   Abarca Guerrero, L.; Mass, G.;   CentroGeo.
              they are perceived as cities in motion,   Hogland, W.  (2015). Desafíos de   Timm, J. (2014). San Francisco prohíbe
              as three-dimensional constructs of   la gestión de residuos sólidos   la venta de botellas de agua de
              incremental development. They are   para las ciudades de los países   plástico en propiedad de la ciudad.
              cities that are constantly modifying   en desarrollo, Revista Tecnología   MSNBC.
              and reinventing themselves, eager   en Marcha, vol.28 n.2 Cartago   What a Waste. (2018). A Global
              to unfold their potential. The biggest   Apr./Jun. On-line version ISSN   Snapshot of Solid Waste
              challenge facing municipal waste   0379-3982Print version ISSN     Management to 2050. World Bank
              management systems is the lack     0379-3982                       Group, 141.
              of  technical  and  financial  resources   Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo.
              dedicated solely and exclusively to   (2016). De ciudades emergentes
              improving waste management. Clearly   a ciudades sostenibles. Santiago
              a lack of government funding, low tariffs   de Chile: Escuela de Arquitectura
              that do not fully cover  costs, tariffs   Pontifícia Universidad Católica de
              that are not enforced, and a paucity of   Chile.
              data on the real cost of applying new   Diaz F., L. (2017). Waste management
              technologies all lead to poor waste   in developing countries and
              management. The objective of this   the circular Economy. Waste
              research is to analyze the impact of solid   Management & Research, 1.
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