P. 222

and simulation of strategic scenarios   on the strategic scenario construction   for IPTs, which holistically promote
              (exploratory and normative) of the   technique of Godet and Durance (2011),   sustainable agricultural production
              agricultural production system at   Soria-Lara (2017) and Astigarraga   systems, which consider the evaluation
              a regional scale in a sustainability   (2016). Presenting the following   of impacts in the territory at the regional
              framework, integrating the territorial   stages: (a) strategic diagnosis of the   level. The results show that strategically
              impact assessment (TIA) and a system   agricultural system, in a framework of   developed scenarios and their strategic
              of strategic management based on each   sustainability given by the tools of the   management reduce uncertainty in
              of them. The study takes place in the   Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) and energy   decision-making when developing
              region of La Araucanía, southern Chile.   flows; (b) definition of variables and   territorial planning instruments,
              This framework is mainly composed of   drivers of change in the structure of   providing different visions (possible and
              the compilation, systematization and   the agricultural system from a technical   desired) and promote greater attention
              presentation of the strategic prospect   and participatory aspect; (c) evaluation   to social and ecological resilience,
              and its main founding schools and the   of compliance with the sustainability of   circular economy and good local and
              connection with planning and land use   the agricultural production system in   regional governance of agricultural
              planning. Meanwhile, the approach to   different future scenarios at the regional   systems.
              the methodology to be used is based   level; (d) proposal of future guidelines


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