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urrently, there is concern about spaces on the titanium dioxide surface, Al-Alwani, M.A.M.; Mohamad, A.B.;
the increased toxicity of some thus increasing the specific contact Kadhum, A.A.H.; Ludin, N.A.
Ccyanobacterial blooms in area. After the sensitization process, (2015). Effect of solvents on the
freshwater lakes, which alter the food the photocatalytic tests showed a extraction of natural pigments
chain, endangering aquatic organisms, 25.3% degradation of methylene and adsorption onto TiO2 for dye-
the ecosystem, and the safety of blue under visible irradiation. Finally, sensitized solar cell applications.
drinking water. On the other hand, textile the results indicated that the biomass Spectrochimica Acta Part A:
industries generate different pollutants of cyanobacteria extracted from the Molecular and Biomolecular
in their processes. Some of these Malambo swamp, isolated and cultivated Spectroscopy, 138, 130–137.
compounds are hardly biodegradable, so in photobioreactors, has adequate Funari, E.; Manganelli, M.; Buratti, F.M.;
it is necessary to implement alternative properties to be used in the sensitization Testai, E. (2017). Cyanobacteria
technologies, such as heterogeneous of thin films of titanium dioxide for the blooms in water: Italian guidelines
photocatalysis, which allows using of the degradation of the problem dye. to assess and manage the
semiconductors such as titanium dioxide, risk associated to bathing and
which requires modifying their optical recreational activities. Science
constants using pigments of synthetic of The Total Environment, 598,
or natural origin called sensitizers. 867–880.
Sensitization of semiconductor films Gómez-Ortíz, N.M.; Vázquez-
with natural compounds is an alternative Maldonado, I.A.; Pérez-Espadas,
due to its high photocatalytic activity, A.R.; Mena-Rejón, G.J.; Azamar-
low production cost and environmental Barrios, J.A.; Oskam, G. (2010).
friendliness. Based on the above, we Dye-sensitized solar cells with
carried out an experimental study using natural dyes extracted from
chlorophyll-a as pigments. Natural achiote seeds. Solar Energy
dye was obtained from biomass of Materials and Solar Cells, 94(1),
cyanobacteria previously isolated from 40–44.
an ecosystem with flowering problems, Jouali, A.; Salhi, A.; Aguedach,
which allowed us to know their possible A.; Aarfane, A.; Ghazzaf, H.;
uses as sensitizers. Diffuse reflectance Lhadi, E. K.; Tahiri, S. (2019).
spectra show that biomass adheres Photo-catalytic degradation of
to the surface of the semiconductor, methylene blue and reactive
activating its optical properties in the blue 21 dyes in dynamic mode
visible range of the electromagnetic using TiO2 particles immobilized
spectrum. After the sensitization on cellulosic fibers. Journal of
process, these films showed a Photochemistry and Photobiology
bandgap interval shift from 3.2 eV to A: Chemistry, 112013.
approximately 2.5 eV. Regarding the
morphological results, it allows us to
say that after the sensitization process,
the films are much more uniform
because the sensitizer occupies the free