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soil recovery purposes. Mafla, Pule &   CIC in the recovery of a soil affected by   2017 evaluated the effect of a forest fire
              Chávez (2018) in their research aimed   forest fires in Nemocón, Cundinamarca,   on the microbiota of a Bs-T soil, in the
              at evaluating the application of microbial   using seven amendments (Gallinaza,   department of Tolima. It was established
              extract of native soils on soils impacted   Biosolids, Horse manure, Compost, EM,   that post-fire the total microbial density
              by forest fires, it was determined   Muich and mixture). It was determined   was reduced, however, the fungi did
              that the soil sample inoculated   that all treatments improved the   not vary significantly due to their high
              with  the  highest  amount  of  native   water retention capacity, porosity   tolerance capacity to stress conditions.
              microorganisms of the genus Rizhobium,   and organic matter (OM) content of   It was observed that nitrogen and
              allowed an increase in the development   the  soil.  Likewise,  the  addition  of   organic carbon are the most affected
              of the root biomass of beans and the   microorganisms and the increase in   elements, with losses of 56% and 43%
              proliferation of other microorganisms.   the biological activity of fungi and   respectively, as a consequence of the
              Likewise, it was determined that the   bacteria acted in the degradation of OM,   volatilization of nutrients by the fire.
              amount of microorganisms in each   transforming it into nutrients (cations)   In addition, that the edaphic humidity
              of the inocula did not influence the   that are subsequently contributed to   was reduced by 22% and the pH with
              germination of the plants. In Colombia,   the soil and made available for plant   phosphorus increased.
              Vargas Calderón, in 2007, studied the   nutrition. Recently, Ospina Céspedes, in


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                 bacteriana rizosférica y el crecimiento   propiedades del suelo, posteriores   Ospina Céspedes, l.C. (2017). Efecto de un
                 de plantas de maní y maíz. Agrotecnia,   a un incendio en el parque nacional   incendio forestal sobre el microbiota de
                 25(25), 34.  natural de Los Nevados, Colombia.   un suelo de bosque seco tropical, en el
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                 Bacillus subtilis y microorganismos   Gallego, H.; Toro, E.; Rojas, R. (2013). Estado   capacidad de intercambio catiónico en
                 de montaña (mm) y su efecto sobre   del arte: Efectos de los incendios   la recuperación de un suelo afectado
                 un sistema de rotación soya-tomate   forestales en las propiedades   por incendios forestales en municipio
                 bajo condiciones de invernadero.   del  suelo.  Revista  Ingeniería  de   de Nemocón, Cundinamarca. Bogotá,
                 Agronomía Costarricense, 39(3),   Construcción, 35(2): 119–125.   D.C.: Universidad de la Salle.
                 21–36.  Velasco  Sánchez,  Á.;  Delgado García,
                 v39i3.21787                     50732020000200119               A.; Moreno Lora, A. (2017). Efecto
              Bolívar Anillo, H.J.; Díaz Pérez, A. (2017).   Mafla Andrade, S.X.; Pule Mejía, J.A.; Chávez   de inoculaciones microbianas en
                 Biofertilizantes en Colombia.   Guerrero, P.A. (2018). Mejoramiento   la acumulación de Zn, P y otros
                 Productos de Confitería Nutracéutica,   de suelos afectados por incendios   micronutrientes
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