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he presence of pesticide residues detected. The calculated values for the European Commission. (2015) Guidance
in plant products, as a result of Estimated Daily Intake (EDI) for each of Document on Analytical Quality
Tinappropriate application in some the pesticides ranged from 4.16 E-06 Control and Method Validation
cases, constitutes a risk to the health of to 1.58 E-04mg/kg body weight. These Procedures for Pesticides Residues
the exposed population. In Mexico, the results were compared with the daily Analysis in Food and Feed.
oficial standard, NOM-003-STPS-1999 intake (ADI) values established by the SANTE/11945/2015.
[1], only allows the use of pesticides World Health Organisation (WHO) [3]. Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-003-
with phytosanitary registration, which In principle it could be thought that the STPS-1999. (2002). Actividades
stipulates the doses and crops allowed. presence of these compounds does not agrícolas-Uso de insumos
However, pesticide residues are still represent a health risk; however, the fitosanitarios o plaguicidas e
common in some plant products. The consumption of the same substances insumos de nutrición vegetal
present study was carried out in two in other foodstuffs cannot be ruled o fertilizantes-Condiciones de
collection centers located in the state of out. In conclusion, the presence of seguridad e higiene. RESPYN, 3 (3).
Morelos, Mexico, to detect the possible organochlorine pesticide residues in World Health Organization, WHO.
presence of organochlorine pesticides Nopal suggests the clandestine sale of (2016). Pesticide Evaluation
in Nopal. A total of eight samples these compounds, already banned more Scheme, Department of Control of
were taken and processed according than two decades ago. In the same way, Neglected Tropical Diseases. Use of
to the methodology established by it turns out worrying given the multiple Malathion for Vector Control; WHO:
SANTE/11945/2015 [2]. The extraction impacts that this family of compounds Geneva, Switzerland.
procedure for pesticide residues was represents for human health.
performed using the QuEChERS
method. The analytical methodology
was validated for the evaluation of 14
pesticides, by enrichment of the plant
and processed in the same way as
the actual samples. The percentages
of recovery of the pesticides ranged
between 55.2 and 99.6%. The analysis
of the samples was carried out by
gas chromatography coupled to mass
spectrometry. The pesticides detected
were a-HCH (0.038mg/kg), b-HCH
(0.011mg/kg), lindane (0.023mg/
kg), d-HCH (0.010mg/kg), heptachlor
(0.035mg/kg), aldrin (0.034mg/
kg), heptachlor epoxide (0.026mg/
kg), p,p ‘ -DDE (0.010mg/kg), dieldrin
(0.025mg/kg). The risk to human health
associated with the intake of Nopal
was also determined, considering
the concentrations of the pesticides