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2016), así como las más relacionadas
              al sector industrial de las artes
              gráficas.  En  conclusión,  la  aplicación
              de  herramientas  de producción  más
              limpia y análisis de ciclo de vida permite
              a Inducarton SAS, obtener información
              para la toma de decisiones, con base en
              datos oportunos, coherentes y precisos,
              para la mejora del desempeño ambiental
              y la responsabilidad social empresarial.
              De  acuerdo  con  Cortés,  Vega  &  Del
              Arco (2015), esta investigación
              permite  a la organización  contribuir
              a la sostenibilidad desde el enfoque
              de implementación de iniciativas
              relacionadas a la operación y buscando
              mitigar  los  impactos  negativos,  el
              retorno del incremento en la eficiencia
              de los procesos, la reducción de costos
              y la mejora de las relaciones con clientes
              internos y externos.


               nducarton SAS is a medium-     on technical visits to the company’s   as the identification of aspects and
               sized company in the graphic arts   facilities and the application of the initial   assessment  of  impacts  applying  the
             Isector, which participates in the   environmental review (RAI), by collecting   procedure suggested by the District
              District Environmental Excellence   information about the production   Secretary for the Environment and (3)
              Program (PREAD), aimed at improving   process, area distribution, use of   the life cycle assessment was carried out
              environmental performance and   machinery and equipment, consumption   based on the methodology established
              corporate social responsibility, therefore,   of raw materials and supplies, as well   within the framework of the ISO 14040
              it requires a constant formulation of   as aspects related to safety and health   standard and using the Open LCA free
              cleaner production alternatives. The   at work and relevant environmental   software. According to the results, it was
              main purpose of this contribution was to   information on the use of resources and   possible to identify that given the level of
              evaluate the environmental impacts of   the generation of waste and emissions;   environmental excellence of Inducarton
              said company belonging to the graphic   (2) the application of cleaner production   SAS, significant environmental impacts
              arts sector and it was developed in three   tools, such as eco-maps, ecobalances,   are presented on the label line, this due
              phases, (1) the initial diagnosis based   MED matrix, inefficiency costs, as well   to the generation of waste, of which it

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