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DQO, al finalizar el periodo de operación,
fueron de 67,3%, para CCM3 y 69,8%,
para CCM6. Con relación a la remoción
de DBO, los resultados obtenidos fueron
de 55,9 y 60,6%, para CCM3 y CCM6,
respectivamente. Considerando los
resultados obtenidos, se concluye que
es posible generar valores significativos
de energía eléctrica, con simultánea
remoción de materia orgánica, usando,
como sustrato, agua residual de
curtiembre, en una celda de combustible
microbiano. En consecuencia, el presente
trabajo constituye un aporte para la
optimización de sistemas de tratamiento
de aguas residuales de curtiembres y su
potencial aprovechamiento como fuente
de energía renovable.
icrobial fuel cells (MFCs) are and removal of organic matter. To do were operated using ARP. The remaining
devices that transform a this, initially the waste water to be (MFC4-MFC6) were operated using ARC
Mbiodegradable substrate directly used was collected, derived from the as a substrate. Different concentrations
into electricity. This is achieved through pelt sub-processes (pelt waste water of substrate were evaluated, diluted in
the development of metabolic processes - ARP) and tanning (tanning residual a 1: 0 ratio; 1: 1 and 1: 2. The MFCs were
of electrogenic microorganisms, water-ARC). These substrates were operated for a period of 23 d at room
which have the potential to transfer characterized at the physicochemical temperature, verifying the generation
electrons obtained from the oxidation level. Subsequently, six laboratory-scale of electrical energy in 10 min intervals.
of a substrate, to an electron acceptor single chamber MFC prototypes (MFC1- Likewise, the percentage of organic
(electrode). The objective of this work MFC6) were designed, consisting of an matter removal was determined, in
was to evaluate the performance electronic system in drinking, to monitor terms of chemical oxygen demand (COD)
of a CFM system treating tannery the electrical behavior of the system. and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5).
wastewater (highly polluting effluents), For the evaluation of the performance The results obtained showed that the
in terms of bioelectricity generation of the process, three cells (MFC1-MFC3) MFC3 and MFC6 cells (which presented