P. 197

Because of the above, the potential   of the subject would contribute to know
              Eco sites are usually of great extension   the status of the strategies and tools
              and cover several units, cluster-based   that have been implemented worldwide,
              methods have been used. The graphic   to perform an analysis of all the vehicles
              tool uses an extended analogy with the   that are available, with which industries
              pinch analysis implemented to support   are moving towards a sustainable
              the solution. The results of a case study   production in a correct and beneficial
              showed that, the identified integrated   way, both for the company in all its
              design increased the energy recovered   aspects, as well as for the non-pollution
              from solid waste by 11.39MWh/d and   and care of the environment. To know
              diverted 2t/d of waste from the landfill,   what are the strategies and/or tools
              benefiting the urban as well as the   that are currently being implemented,
              industrial sector. The proposed approach   based on the circular economy and
              also has the ability to minimize the need   industrial ecology and from this, make
              for energy intensive thermal drying for   an analysis of which of these could lead
              the waste when the process allows it,   to sustainable production, and could
              subsequently offering a solution with a   be applied throughout the sector and
              lower environmental footprint and costs.   industry in general.
              (Van Fan et al. 2021) An updated review


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