P. 200

the highest concentration of substrate),   removal percentages obtained for COD   matter using tannery wastewater
              were the most efficient systems both in   at the end of the operation period   as a substrate in a microbial fuel cell.
              the generation of electrical energy and   were 67.3% for MFC3 and 69.8% for   Consequently, this work constitutes
              in the removal of organic matter, with   MFC6. Regarding the removal of BOD,   a contribution to the optimization of
              maximum voltage-current values for the   the results obtained were 55.9 and   tannery wastewater treatment systems,
              CCM3 of 100,278 mV - 10,050 mA, and   60.6% for MFC3 and MFC6, respectively.   and their potential use as a renewable
              for the CCM6 of 99,264 mV - 9,948 mA.   Considering the results obtained, it is   energy source.
              The maximum power density obtained   concluded that it is possible to generate
              for MFC3 and MFC6 was 839,829 and   significant values of electrical energy,
              822,912 mW / m2, respectively. The   with simultaneous removal of organic


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