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las prácticas del cuidado, la gestión y el   según sus instituciones hidrosociales
              gobierno del agua, como insumo para la   y las dimensiones del poder en que se
              gestión social del territorio y permitirá   ubiquen. Esta información es pertinente
              visibilizar los valores, como parte de   para pensar el territorio y las relaciones
              una construcción histórica hidrosocial,   con el agua, desde los valores de los
              conformada por una red de valores   habitantes, para proponer acciones,
              biofísicos, socio-culturales y político-  que aporten al manejo de los conflictos
              administrativos, según las realidades   de valor y direccionar estrategias de
              de cada territorio. También permite   educación hacia valores de cuidado y
              entender las relaciones hidrosociales,   gestión para el agua.
              a partir de los valores de los actores,


                     ater is an element that has value   these reasons, the importance of water   reflection recognizes the values and local
                     in itself because it is essential   valuation transcends the dimensions   meanings of the hydric, sociocultural
              Wfor life, for the satisfaction of   of use, utility, contributions to the   and administrative political spaces in the
              human needs and for all living beings   economy or to the human well-being,   territories (Damonte Valencia, 2015),
              and elements of the landscape (Ioris,   and its participation in the market, as   and articulates notions of integrated
              2012); it is also an essential and vital   stated in the doctrine of the integral   valuation, landscape valuation (Schulz
              element for the other living and non-  management of Water Resources (Ioris,   et al. 2018), and political ecology
              living beings and elements on the planet.   2013 ). This research reflects on the   (Bakker, 2017). For this, the territories
              Furthermore, water has no substitutes,   values of water in the territory, the   are analyzed as hydrosocial networks
              it is not completely commensurable   valuation methods existing in the various   produced  by  historical  relationships
              or consumable and it is not possible   disciplines, and proposes a pluralistic   between society and water and values.
              to manufacture it artificially without   view of water from the hydrosocial   The historical relationships are framed in
              the help of nature (Bakker, 2017); for   perspective (Boelens et al. 2017). The   the local water dynamics, the diversity

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