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the understanding of vulnerability   management makes it possible to
              and resilience to global threats such   comprehensively face threats and
              as climate variability and change   generate empirical predictions of risk
              (Surendran Nair  et al. 2016). The   due to climate change. Under these
              estimation of the risk due to climate   conditions, the irrigation district of Alto
              change in highly heterogeneous areas   Chicamocha (Boyacá), being understood
              such as irrigation districts, allows the   as a dynamic, complex, articulating
              anticipation of actions in the face   and integrating entity, in such a way
              of mitigation or adaptation of the   that the estimation of the risk due
              agroecological  system  in  the  face  of   to climate change, where agriculture
              highly changing global energy changes,   is the central axis of Analysis of the
              in this way, the bias by evaluation of   economic importance that it has within
              a single component of the system,   the structuring of the Chicamocha River
              automatically increases uncertainty, by   basin, being the industrial corridor of
              not taking intervening variables such as   Boyacá and the area with the highest
              production technology and the internal   bulb onion production in the country,
              and external economy of the system;   will allow the planning of adaptation
              The vulnerability analyzes due to climate   and mitigation measures to ensure its
              change have shown that the inclusion   sustainability integral.
              of variables such as institutional risk


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