P. 231
of power forms and structures, that pluralist valuation proposal allows to it possible to understand hydrosocial
are endogenous and exogenous to the broaden the discussion of the values of relationships based on the values of the
territory (Swyngedouw, 2017); and nature beyond its instrumentality and actors, according to their hydrosocial
values are the result of the hydrosocial provides tools to explore the values and institutions and the dimensions of
network (Rocha et al. 2016), water´s practices of the care, management and power in which they are located.
perceptions and representation (Prieto, governance of water, as an input for This information is suitable to think
2017), daily relationships with water, the social management of the territory. the territory, and the relationships
meanings and relationships of water This frame will be able to visualize the with water from the values of the
from norms and power (Sanchis Ibor & values as part of a hydrosocial historical inhabitants; this help to propose actions
Boelens, 2018), and the forms of water construction, made up of a network of that contribute to the management of
care, management and governance of biophysical, socio-cultural, and political- value conflicts and direct educational
the of the inhabitants and actors of the administrative values according to the strategies towards the values for the
territory (Schulz, 2018). This hydrosocial realities of each territory. It also makes water care and management.
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