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de las propiedades físicas y químicas   dispuestos en el relleno sanitario y el
              del suelo; posteriormente, se elaborará   mejoramiento del suelo y de los cultivos.
              el abono orgánico y, finalmente, se   El abono adicionado aporta distintos
              realizarán pruebas de germinación, con   tipos de propiedades que el suelo ha
              el fin de identificar los beneficios del   perdido, debido a su uso continuo,
              abono aplicado, en el suelo estudiado.   reduciendo también posibles efectos de
              Dos posibles impactos se lograron con   erosión, pérdida de fertilidad, incendios,
              el desarrollo del proyecto: la reducción   deterioro materia vegetal, entre otros.
              de los volúmenes de residuos al ser


                   ccelerated population growth   the organic fertilizers produced by the   was carried out in order to identify the
                   worldwide, the need for food   decomposition of waste are applied to   benefits of the fertilizer applied to the
              Aand the generation of waste are   it, its physical, chemical and biological   studied soil. Two possible impacts were
              actions that go hand in hand. Especially,   characteristics will be favorably   achieved with the development of the
              the generation of solid waste worldwide   influenced (Arango, 2017). The project   project, the reduction of the volumes of
              increases more and more over the years,   is based on the management of organic   waste to be disposed of in the sanitary
              it is estimated that in 2050 there will   waste for the generation of fertilizers to   landfill and the improvement of the soil
              be 3,400 million tons of garbage on   be applied on a farm in the Municipality   and crops. The added fertilizer provides
              the planet (BBC News Mundo, 2018).   of Piedecuesta in Santander. Agriculture   different types of properties that the soil
              Many of the consequences that are   is the  main pillar  of  the  economy  in   has lost due to its continuous use, thus
              generated  are at an  environmental   the Municipality of Piedecuesta. The   also reducing possible effects of erosion,
              level such as air and water pollution,   Municipality has a variety of relief and   loss of fertility, fires, deterioration of
              soil degradation and alteration in   therefore thermal floors that provide   plant matter, among others.
              ecosystems; additionally, there are   adequate microclimates for the growth
              also economic and social effects. These   of diversity of products. It is cultivated
              problems could be simplified if the place   from peas, wheat, onion, vegetables,
              where these wastes are disposed of   arracacha, pastures, vegetables and
              has the appropriate control measures,   fruit trees in the highest parts; cassava,
              that is, they are disposed of in sanitary   tomato, sugar cane and tobacco are
              landfills and not in open dumps or, on the   grown in the intermediate or temperate
              contrary, if these wastes were evaluated   part and in the lower part of the
              in order to give them a better use, this   Municipality, sugar cane, corn, tobacco
              is the case of organic waste, especially   and plantain. This is why the rural area
              those generated as by-products of crops   of the Municipality of Piedecuesta
              and that are 100% usable, thus reducing   was chosen as a strategic area for the
              volumes to be disposed of in landfills or   implementation of the project. This
              dumps, or inappropriate handling such   begins with the identification of the
              as uncontrolled burning. The soil could   physical and chemical properties of
              be one of the resources most benefited   the soil, later the organic fertilizer was
              from the use of organic waste, since if   elaborated and finally germination tests

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