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               n Colombia, as far as agriculture is   proposal applicable to all places of the   o%20de%20p....pdf?sequen-
               concerned the farmers have used   country. The methodological proposal   ce=1&isAllowed=y
             Ichemical-origin pesticide that have   of environmental administration of   Murillo Arango, W.; Salazar, D.
              resulted in damage to ground and health   ethics risks by the use of pesticides will   (2011). Tendencias verdes en
              of the soils and people, this has caused   support mainly and originally on the   la agricultura para el manejo y
              ethical risks and troubles, because of   identification of troubles related and   control de plagas. Tumbaga, 63-
              the use of the products. Because of that,   on the enunciation of the principles   92.
              this investigation wants the formulation   associated like precautionary principle,   Polanco López de Mesa, Y.; Hernández
              of a methodology based on feasible   Kotow´s precautionary principle and   Carmona,  D.;  Escobar Pérez,
              environmental administration strategies   Beauchamp and Childress´s Justice   M.; Aguirre Acevedo, D.; Parra
              for improving the quality in the conflicts   principle, they will serve to design the   Hernández, Á. (2019). Medición
              solution. For the development there will   proposal focused on Colombia, with the   de niveles de colinesterasas
              construct databases, there will consult   representation of the town of Viotá,   eritrocitarias en agricultores
              experts judgment and documental   Cundinamarca.                    usuarios de plaguicidas y en
              information. The information previously                            practicantes de agroecología,
              collected emphasized in the level of                               San Cristóbal, Medellín, Colombia.
              of blood cells) is decreased by the  REFERENCIAS                   Revista Facultad Nacional De
              cholinesterases (those are enzymes
                                                                                 Salud Pública, 37. https://doi.
              exposition of pesticides given by the                              org/10.17533/udea.rfnsp.
              defincient protection equipment at   Jaquenod de Zsögön, S. (2012).   v37n3a04
              the front of agroecology activities in   Más  allá  de  la administración
              Medellín (Polanco et al. 2019); also the   ambiental: la buena gobernanza
              European law referred to genetically   en la Unión Europea. Espacios
              modified organisms is scarce, because   Públicos, 62-84.
              public opinions are  over  scientist   Lozoya Plantá, S. (2016). Aspectos
              studies (Lozoya, 2016). It highlights   jurídicos de la comercialización
              the way in which the use and control   de organismos modificados ge-
              of plagues is aggressive with the   néticamente o de productos que
              environment (Murillo & Salazar, 2011).   los contengan. Tesis de Grado
              Just as the cultural and natural system   en Biotecnología. Escola Tècnica
              must govern comprehensively, finding   Superior d’Enginyeria Agronòmi-
              that any imbalance in the articulation   ca I Del Medi Natural. Universitat
              process destabilizes the possibility of   Politècnica de València. Disponi-
              good results, weakening the proper   ble desde Internet en: https://m.
              essence of this tool at environmental
              care service with holistic vision   le/10251/68614/LOZOYA%20
              (Jaquenod de Zsögön, 2012). This   -%20Aspectos%20jur%c3%a-
              previous information is important to find   ddicos%20de%20la%20comer-
              the vital aspects related to pesticides   cializaci%c3%b3n%20de%20
              use at national and international level,   organismos%20modificados%20
              also for building the methodological   gen%c3%a9ticamente%20

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