P. 288
he realization of the present of all types of waste when crossing 5 EAAB. (2015). La recuperación del
investigation was carried out towns in the city, namely: San Cristóbal, rio Fucha. Recuperado el abril de
Tfrom the Metaformo seedbed Antonio Nariño, Puente Aranda, 2020, de https://www.acue-
of the UNAD, from a macroproject in Kennedy, Fontibón. In its path it receives
the Fucha river, with the collaboration rainwater channels such as San Blas anotsecsecundaria/not_recu-
of 8 students of Environmental (56.45mg/L, monitoring point # 3), Río pera_riofucha_30_11_15/!ut/p/
Engineering. The Fucha river has been Seco (32mg/L, monitoring point # 11) z1/rVPBUsIwEP0WDz1Ctmkpr-
selected, among others, because it is and Comuneros (50mg/L, monitoring beCDsgMOIMKNJdOGtI2CklJUx-
a neighbor of the UNAD headquarters point # 14), which increases the C_3ignRpBxMJNDdvP2zdvNCyJog-
in Bogotá D.C., its extension and its concentration of suspended solids, and YikW1FQI5SkKxsnJEij6C52MeDJY-
contribution to the Bogotá river basin. the occupation of public spaces by the Bh5EM-m-CF-7gO4gGaIIFIxsUQJd-
The Colombian capital is bathed by 4 citizen living on the street, which brings HzKMwCfssD1cZ4FLMzyDnQDv
rivers that run from east to west, one with it the dispersion of solid waste Leal, L. (2019). Influencia de la población
of them being the Fucha River, which and the increase in the concentration en la gestión de residuos sólidos en
discharges its waters into the Bogotá of fecal coliforms (181.9x105 MPN/100 el tramo 2 del río Fucha – Bogotá,
River, which ends its transfer into the m ). Finally, it is evident how the district D.C. Obtenido de: http://search.ebs-
Magdalena River to finally flow into the and social entities continue working, not
Pacific Ocean. ¿In this reality, how can as articulated as one would expect, to
we not tend as academic neighbors recover the territory of the Fucha River Mora, D.; García, J. (2020). Determinación
to contribute to the improvement of as a source of life. de calidad del recurso hídrico del Río
the territory through which the body Fucha en los tramos 1 y 2. Obtenido
of water flows? This review has been de
able to establish how much of the bitstream/handle/10596/33517/
community and its recognition of the dmorafr.pdf?sequence =3
river’s territory have made it possible Reyes, A.; Hernández, J.L. (2020). Deter-
to rescue its natural value, and how minar el estado actual de la calidad
another part of the community, the del agua en el tramo tres (3) del
bad neighbor, has turned its back on Río Fucha según la Resolución No.
the problem of contamination of the 5731 de 2008. [Proyecto Aplicado
body of water, forgetting its nature and o Tesis]. Repositorio Institucional
classifying it as a “pipe” into which gray UNAD. https://repository.unad.
and black water can be poured and all
kinds of waste deposited, eliminating t=true&db=edsbas&AN=eds-
the body of water from the territory. bas.41108734&lang=eses&si-
Thus, in less than 5 kilometers, the te=eds-live&scope=site. Acesso
Fucha River loses the concentration of em: 16 abr. 2021.
dissolved oxygen (3.31mg/L monitoring SDA; EAAB. (2008). Calidad del siste-
point # 11) necessary to sustain life in ma hídrico de Bogotá. Obtenido de
its interior; and it goes from being a Alcaldía Mayor de Bogotá.: https://
body of water that is born in a paramo docplayer
ecosystem to becoming the recipient