P. 53
ollination is a fundamental ornithophyll plants that make up the Jordano, P.; Bascompte, J.; Olesen,
process by the contribution to pollination network of a relict forest J. (2007). The ecological
Pthe fertilization of plants of of high Andean in Totoró Cauca were consequences of complex
commercial interest and for its role identified. The recorded data of the topology and nested structure in
in maintaining the functionality of interactions between hummingbirds pollination webs. Plant-Pollinator
natural ecosystems (Jordano et al. and flowering plants were obtained Interactions from specialization to
2007). Despite this important role, from path, points plant observation generalization. Oxford University
persists a gap information about the and captures with mist nets. With a Press, Oxford. Waser NM & J
biotic elements on which the process is sampling effort of 96%, the interaction Ollerton (eds).
based. In the high mountain ecosystems between 11 hummingbirds species and Gutiérrez, A. (2005). Ecología de
of Colombia, the hummingbirds are 25 plants species was identified. The la interacción entre colibríes
recognized as effective vectors in the frequency of visits of the hummingbirds (Aves: Trochilidae) y plantas que
pollination process, because their was variable and was related to the polinizan en el bosque Alto andino
activity is independent of climate flowering time of the plants. Generalist de torca (Tesis). Universidad
conditions and because their degree of hummingbird species such as Metallura Nacional de Colombia. Bogota
specialization. In the context of change tyrianthina and specialist species such Colombia.
in high mountain ecosystems, to know as Ensifera ensifera were identified. The
the functionality of the pollination plant species Palycourea amthystina
process is essential, so it is strategic and Bejaria mathewsii constitute
to identify the elements (plants and an important floral resource for the
birds) that interact in the pollination. hummingbird species of the high
With this propose, between 2018- Andean forest.
2021, the species of hummingbirds and