P. 49

SUMMARY                         focus on social problems was made   Castaño, J.H.; Cardona, D.M. (2005).
                                                                                 Presencia del mono nocturno andino
                                              with the community and workers of
                                              Hacienda La Cabaña S.A. where the
                                                                                 (Aotus lemurinus (I. Geoffroy-St.
                                              perception  and  conflicts  that  affect   Hilaire, 1843) en fragmentos de
                                              the population of the species were   bosque de la cuenca media del Río
                   he Llanero night monkey (Aotus   analyzed, generating actions aimed at   Cauca. Boletín Científico Museo de
                   brumbackii) is a species of   its conservation, such as: training for   Historia Natural Universidad de
              Tnocturnal primate endemic to   workers, workshops and educational   Caldas, 9: 111-120.
              Colombia (Hershkovitz, 1983; Defler   games for the children of the community,   Castaño,  H.;  Cardona-Ramírez,  D.;
              2010), present in the Orinoquía region   contributing to environmental   Botero, J. (2010). Ecología de mono
              and is classified as Vulnerable (VU)   awareness and conservation of the   nocturno en fragmentos de bosque
              according to the IUCN. Currently it faces   Llanero night monkey Aotus brumbackii.   subandino. En: Pereira-Bengoa V.;
              pressures and threats that affect its   We conclude with a project that will give   Stevenson P.; Bueno M; Nassar-
              population, some of these pressures   great scientific contribution since it is   Montoya F. (editores). Primatología
              are related to the loss of habitat due   an endangered species (VU) and with   En Colombia: Avances Al Principio
              to  anthropic  activities  such  as  the   low biological information. In addition,   Del Milenio. Primera edición.
              growth  of  agribusiness  (extensive   we contribute to the protection and   Fundación Universitaria San Martín,
              palm cultivation). This study aimed   conservation of species through   258 pp.
              to estimate the population densities   monitoring and monitoring of fauna and   Defler, T.R.; Bueno, M.L. (2007). Aotus
              of the Llanero night monkey (A.   flora, proper management and control   diversity and the species problem.
              brumbackii) in three forest fragments   of ecosystem resources for future   Primate Conservation, 22:55-70.
              in a palm landscape at Hacienda La   populations.               Defler, T.R. (2003). Primates de Colombia.
              Cabaña S.A. in Cumaral (Meta), where                               Conservación internacional
              to determine the density of the night  REFERENCIAS                 Colombia, Panamericana formas e
              the linear transect method was used
                                                                                 impresos, Colombia, p 543.
              monkeys. The censuses were carried                              Hershkovitz, P. (1977). Living New
              out at two recording times from 18:00   Aquino, R.; Encarnación. F. (1983).   World Monkeys (Platyrrhini). Vol 1.
              - 21:00 at night and from 3:00 - 6:00   Aspectos de la dinámica    The University of Chicago Press,
              in the morning. The data obtained in   Poblacional de Aotus nancymai   Chicago. pp 1117.
              the censuses were not analyzed with   (Cebidae-Primates). Symposio de   Vargas-Gómez, M.G. (2017).
              the DISTANCE 6.0 program, since the   Primatología; octubre 9-15.  Vocalizaciones de Aotus brumbracki
              minimum number required by the   Campbell, N. (2005). The Peruvian   (Hershkovitz, 1983) y su relación
              program was not obtained, therefore,   night monkey Aotus miconax; a   con las actividades en vida silvestre,
              the formula DP = (# Ind. Observed /   comparative study of occupancy   San Martín (Meta, Colombia).Tesis.
              area fragments) was used to calculate   between Cabeza del Toro and   Facultad de Ciencias, Pontificia
              the  population  densities  in  each   Cordillera de Colán, Perú. Master   Universidad Javeriana. Bogotá,
              fragment (FRAG1 = 0.2341km; FRAG2   of Science Thesis. Oxford Brookes   Colombia.
              = 0.0205km; FRAG3  =  0.0202km).   University, Oxford. 75 p. 2011. 14.   Wright, P.C. (1981). The night Monkeys,
              Obtained from 26 effective censuses,   Carretero-Pinzón, X. (2005). Densidad   Genus Aotus. In: Coimbra-Filho AF,
              identifying four groups of A. brumbackii   de primates en fragmentos de   Mittermeier RA, editors. Ecology an
              with a total of 11 individuals, in the same   bosque de galería en los llanos   Behavior of Neotropical Primates.
              way, the population structure of each   colombianos. En: Memorias   Vol I. Rio de Janeiro: Academia
              group was obtained, each sighting and   1º Congreso Colombiano de   Brasileira de Ciências, 211-239.
              burrows were georeferenced. Also, a   primatología.

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