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posible identificar que el conocimiento   sobre la vegetación urbana en México,
              sobre el arbolado urbano y, por ende, en   en especial, en las áreas del país
              la vegetación, se genera, principalmente,   que albergan importantes centros
              desde las instituciones educativas (con   urbanos, desde el punto de vista social
              tesis de grado), conocimiento que, en   y económico; centros urbanos, en los
              escasas ocasiones, se transforma en   cuales, los beneficios de la vegetación
              artículos científicos, los cuales, tienen un   serían altamente preciados y valorados.
              mayor alcance y difusión. Es importante
              seguir avanzando en el conocimiento


                   he trees present in the green   regardless of the density of inhabitants.   in Mexico, mainly in the areas of the
                   spaces, public or private, of the   The results show that published studies   country that are home to important
              Tcities provide various ecosystem   on urban trees in Mexico began in 1991,   urban centers from the social and
              services, such as the creation and   with an exponential increase in recent   economic point of view; urban centers in
              maintenance  of  habitats,  regulation   years. Of the 79 publications reviewed,   which the benefits of vegetation would
              of air quality, spaces for recreation   38% were articles, 35% theses,   be highly valued and valued.
              and development of cultural activities.   24% books, and 2% brochures. In the
              Likewise, these green spaces host plant   publications, the trees of 31 cities have
                                              been characterized, concentrating on
              diversity, not only of woody species,   the federal entities of the center (Mexico  REFERENCIAS
              but of other forms of life. In Mexico,
              knowledge about urban trees has   City) and north (Jalisco and Nuevo León)
              focused on aspects related to diversity,   of the country. The publications mainly   Chávez, A.; Villavicencio, G.R.; Santiago,
              composition  and  structure,  ignoring   registered trees, shrubs and palms, in   P.A.L.; Toledo, G.S.L.; Godínez, H.J.J.
              the spatial and temporal distribution   less quantity they registered herbs,   (2010). Arbolado de Chapalita:
              of this knowledge. The objective of   lianas and epiphytes. The publications   estado y valor. Universidad
              this work was to review and synthesize   reported from 6 to 441 species, from 6   de Guadalajara. https://doi.
              the literature on urban trees in Mexico   to 173 genera, and from 9 to 79 families.   org/10.13140/2.1.4200.0164
              showing spatial and temporal trends,   In general, a greater number of exotic   Falfán, I.; MacGregor-Fors, I. (2016).
              addressing issues related to plant   species (up to 117) than native species   Paisajes urbanos neotropicales
              diversity, life forms and origin of plant   (up to 95) were reported. From the   leñosos: un caso de estudio de
              species. A search was carried out for   systematic review, it was possible to   la riqueza y composición de las
              articles with keywords (trees, Mexico,   identify that knowledge about urban   especies de árboles y arbustos en
              city) in digital databases (Scopus, Google   trees, and therefore about vegetation,   Xalapa. Madera y bosques, 22(1),
              Scholar), degree thesis in academic   is generated mainly from educational   95-110.
              platforms. In addition, information from   institutions (with graduate thesis),   Zurita, Z.O. (2019). Guía de árboles y
              printed and digital brochures and books   knowledge that is rarely transformed   otras plantas nativas en la zona
              was considered. The criteria for including   into scientific articles. which  have   metropolitana de Monterrey.
              the publications in the review were: that   a greater scope  and diffusion. It is   Fondo Editorial de Nuevo León.
              they will report data on the richness   important to continue advancing in the
              of plant species in an urban center   knowledge  about  urban  vegetation

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