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caudata (12) y Meriania speciosa (10).   que han participado en las colectas,   Surcolombiana. Finalmente, se espera
              A partir de los registros, se evidenció   se destacan Richard Evans Schultes,   que el número de especies aumente,
              que 371 especies solo se han colectado   Little, E. L. Jr., Francis Raymond Fosberg,   teniendo en cuenta la totalidad de
              una vez, entre ellas, Cinchona lancifolia,   Antoine M. Cleef, John Richard Ironside   ejemplares por ingresar a la colección del
              Faramea quinqueflora, Miconia   Wood,  Steven  Paul  Churchill,  Samuel   Herbario Surco, así como de la revisión
              neurotricha y Guatteria goudotiana. Con   Heinrich Schwabe, Rafael Romero   de nuevos herbarios nacionales. Se
              relación a los hábitos de crecimiento,   Castañeda, Timothy C. Plowman,   espera que la información generada
              se encontró arbóreo con 355 colectas,   Jesús Medardo Idrobo, Julio Betancur   sea referente para la generación de
              seguido de arbustivo (271), herbáceo   y Humberto Mendoza; además, se   estrategias para  la priorización y la
              (164), epifito (41) y hierba enredadera   registra un gran número de salidas de   conservación de las especies.
              (22). Por otro lado, entre los botánicos   campo de estudiantes de la Universidad

              SUMMARY                         Herbariums that have systematized   371 species have only been collected

                                                                              once, among them are Cinchona
                                              information of the collections for the
                                              municipality. For the organization of the   lancifolia, Faramea quinqueflora, Miconia
                   he Andean Forest plays a key role   information, data associated with the   neurotricha, and Guatteria goudotiana.
                   in the supply of goods and services   specimen will be taken into account,   Regarding growth habits, it was found
              Tsuch as wood, resins, bark, seeds,   for example, taxonomic identification,   arboreal with 355 collections, followed
              food, among others (La torre-Cuadros,   growth habit, locality, collection number,   by shrub (271), herbaceous (164),
              2016). In addition, this ecosystem can   and year. The states of conservation,   epiphyte (41), and creeper grass (22).
              accumulate between 20 and 40 tons of   origin, and/or distribution will be   On the other hand, among the botanists
              carbon per hectare (Cuesta et al. 2009)   reviewed taking into account the Catalog   who have participated in the collections
              reducing greenhouse gas emissions.   of Plants and lichens of Colombia, Red   are Richard Evans Schultes, Little, EL
              For the Department of Huila, research   List, and The PlantList. Preliminary   Jr., Francis Raymond Fosberg, Antoine
              in this ecosystem is incipient, few   results show that the SURCO Herbarium   M. Cleef, John Richard Ironside Wood,
              studies have focused on knowing the   has 307 specimens, the Federico Medem   Steven Paul Churchill, Samuel Heinrich
              population structure, seed viability,   Bogotá Herbarium (FMB) with 615 and   Schwabe, Rafael Romero Castañeda,
              and distribution of species of economic   the Colombian National Herbarium   Timothy  C. Plowman,  Jesús Medardo
              interest (Fernández, 2014; Aguirre-  (COL) with 359 specimens. For the   Idrobo, Julio Betancur and Humberto
              Acosta  &  Botero-Echeverri,  2018).   municipality there  is  a record from   Mendoza. In addition, there are a large
              For the municipality of San Agustín   1932 to 2019, finding 138 botanical   number of field trips by students from
              the situation is not different, despite   families, 300 genera, and 1284 species.   the Surcolombiana University. Finally,
              having a large influx of tourists due   The most representative families are   the number of species is expected to
              to its biological and cultural diversity,   Melastomataceae  (212  specimens),   increase taking into account the total
              few investigations have been carried   Rubiaceae (129), and Asteraceae   number of specimens to be entered into
              out (Sampablo, 2017), therefore, this   (60), while the least representative   the Surco Herbarium collection, as well
              research seeks to know the current state   corresponds to 90 families with a single   as the revision of new national herbaria.
              of the Andean flora of the municipality   collection, for example, Bignoniaceae,   The information generated is expected
              of San Agustín (Huila-Colombia) using   Rutaceae, and Santalaceae. The most   to be a reference for the generation
              the physical revision of the Herbarium   collected  species  were Tibouchina   of strategies for the prioritization and
              of the Surcolombiana University, SURCO,   heteromalla (13 collections), Miconia   conservation of species.
              for being the most important collection   caudata (12), and Meriania speciosa (10).
              for the department, and of national   From the records, it was evidenced that

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