P. 63

en tanto que las especies introducidas   cuenta con un poco más de una tercera
              pertenecen, principalmente, a hábitats   parte de áreas verdes.; no obstante, la
              de bosque tropical y bosque templado.   comunidad universitaria desconoce o
              De acuerdo con la categoría Norma Oficial   ignora esta diversidad vegetal, por lo
              Mexicana, se registraron cinco especies   que se espera que la guía ilustrada sea
              amenazadas y una especie está sujeta   una fuente importante de información
              a protección especial. De acuerdo con   para profesores, alumnos y autoridades,
              la IUCN, se registraron 33 especies en   no solo para carreras relacionadas a las
              preocupación menor, dos especies casi   ciencias biológicas que se imparten
              amenazadas y dos especies en peligro   en el Centro Universitario, sino para
              crítico. Se puede concluir que el Centro   instituciones educativas de la región y
              Universitario de la Costa alberga una   del Estado.
              alta riqueza y variada composición de
              especies vegetales, a pesar de que solo

              SUMMARY                         guides, catalogs and specialized books.   deciduous forest and tropical evergreen
                                                                              forest were the most abundant, while
                                              For each species identified, detailed
                                                                              introduced species belong mainly to
                                              information was obtained on family,
                                              genus, common name, life form, uses,   tropical forest and temperate forest
                   he University Centers have green   total height, origin and distribution,   habitats. According to the Norma Oficial
                   areas within their facilities, which   habitat, recommendations and risk   Mexicana  category,  five  endangered
              Tare spaces that harbor biodiversity   category according to the IUCN Red List   species were recorded and one
              and generate multiple ecosystem   and the Mexican Official Standard (NOM-  species is subject to special protection.
              services to the academic and student   059-SEMARNAT-2010). The University   According to the IUCN, 33 species are
              community. However, these centers lack   Center’s illustrated guide will show   of least concern, two species are near
              biological and ecological information   information on 203 species, 152 genera   threatened, and two species are critically
              on trees, herbs, shrubs, succulents,   and 67 families. The families with the   endangered. It can be concluded that
              parasitic plants and/or epiphytes. The   highest number of species recorded are   the Centro Universitario de la Costa
              objective of this work is to show an   Leguminosae and Apocynaceae. Herbs   is home to a high richness and varied
              illustrated guide of the plant species   were the most abundant life form, with   composition of plant species, despite
              of Centro Universitario de la Costa.   84 species, followed by trees with   the fact that it only has a little more
              The University Center is part of the   69 species, shrubs with 25 species,   than a third of green areas. However,
              University of Guadalajara and consists   succulents with 22 and epiphytes with   the university community is unaware
              of 10.85ha, of which 38.2% are green   three species. The greatest potential   or ignores this plant diversity, so it is
              areas, while the remaining 61.8% are   uses identified were ornamental (119   hoped that the illustrated guide will be
              areas built or planned for infrastructure.   species), medicinal (90 species) and   an important source of information for
              During the course of a year, the entire   edible (69 species). The maximum   professors, students and authorities,
              University Center was visited to   height  identified  was  of  the  species   not only for careers related to biological
              observe and photograph the main plant   Enterolobium cyclocarpa with 45 m.   sciences taught at the University Center,
              structures and organs. Each species   Native species (91 species) were the   but also for educational institutions in
              considered in the guide was collected,   most abundant, followed by exotic   the region and the state. Translated
              pressed and dried. The identification   species with 80 and only five endemic   with (free
              of the species was done by means of   species. Species native to tropical   version).

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