P. 137
algoritmo de aprendizaje programado medibles de toma de decisión, pudiendo
funcionó correctamente, encontrando integrar una interacción del usuario con
una política de acciones óptimas. Es el sistema, de forma tal, que se pueda
importante destacar que es la primera aumentar la sensación de confort de
aplicación que se ha publicado, según una manera holística y no solo el confort
el mejor conocimiento de los autores, térmico, como se hizo en este trabajo.
del uso de la API de EnergyPlus, y no
se tuvieron errores. En cuanto a las
métricas de evaluación, de consumo de
energía y de horas de confort, el modelo
propuesto no logró mejorar con respecto
a los sistemas de control con los cuales,
se lo comparó; sin embargo, no se
exploraron todos los hiper parámetros
del algoritmo, como así tampoco otras
alternativas de aprendizaje. Además,
una ventaja clara de esta clase de control
es que permitiría ampliar las variables
he residential sector is a large alternative to avoid these problems to tackle complex problems such as the
consumer of energy, representing is the automation of the passive one presented here. At present, models
T25% of the demand in Argentina, strategies implemented, thus obtaining have been developed that allow us to
which together with the industry and new mechanisms that, although they optimally solve highly complex problems.
transportation sector are the main consume energy to actuate, have That is why in this work a reinforcement
pillars of the demand for primary greater energy savings. Many control learning algorithm is implemented,
and secondary energy. In order to systems for these mechanisms have specifically Q-learning, in such a way
reduce energy consumption, passive been developed, however, they have that optimal policy of the passive and
air conditioning strategies can be the disadvantage of not considering the active systems of a home can be carried
implemented in home design. However, particular preferences of the inhabitants out and that considers the comfort of
these require active users, which due to the complexity that this implies. the inhabitants. The main objective of
entails higher energy consumption On the other hand, the development of this work is to present the advances
than expected due to laziness or artificial intelligence has been growing in the research line that is being
lack of knowledge of the users. An in recent decades, making it possible approached, finding the case study