P. 138

based on the simulation of a simple   the EnergyPlus API, and there were no
              model implemented in the EnergyPlus   errors. Regarding the evaluation metrics,
              version 9.5.0 building simulator and with   energy consumption and comfort
              overwriting for the drive control systems   hours, the proposed model failed to
              through code written in Python that uses   improve with respect to the control
              the simulator API. For the evaluation   systems with which it was compared.
              of the model, the energy consumption   However, not all hyperparameters of the
              and the hours of comfort obtained   algorithm were explored as well as other
              with fixed rule systems, conventional   learning alternatives. In addition, a clear
              today, and with a modern one that   advantage of this kind of control is that
              applies artificial intelligence, but only   it would allow to expand the measurable
              to the active system, were compared.   variables of decision-making, being able
              As a result, the programmed learning   to integrate an interaction of the user
              algorithm worked correctly, finding an   with the system, in such a way that
              optimal policy. It is important to note   the feeling of comfort can be increased
              that it is the first application that has   in a holistic way, and not just thermal
              been published, according to the best   comfort as was done in this work.
              knowledge of the authors, of the use of

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