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área superficial y la energía de activación   del material. El material sintetizado
              del  material.  Con  este material,  se   con nivel de dopaje 0,2 N/Ti calcinado
              fabricaron  películas  delgadas  para   a 450°C puede ser empleado en la
              ser empleadas en un reactor solar a   construcción de fotoreactores solares,
              escala piloto. Las películas fabricadas   para la degradación de contaminantes.
              fueron evaluadas degradando azul de   De esta forma, se podría extender la
              metileno, bajo radiación solar. Estas   aplicación de los procesos fotocatalíticos
              películas llegaron a degradar hasta un   a una escala mayor a la del laboratorio,
              64%, en tiempo de 4h. La disminución   ya que se reducen, significativamente,
              de la actividad fotocatalítica, se atribuye,   los costos de operación, al hacer uso un
              principalmente, a la disminución del área   uso eficiente del recurso solar.
              superficial  por  el  proceso  de  fijación


                   iO2 is the most studied    nanoparticles were characterized   attributed to a synergistic effect
                   semiconductor material in   through XRD, FTIR, BET, and diffuse   between the material’s crystal size,
              Tapplications of photocatalytic   reflectance. The XRD analyzes showed   surface area and the activation energy of
              degradation of contaminants in the   the presence of anatase as the only   the material. With this material, thin films
              laboratory; however, its use in a wider   crystalline phase formed at 450°C, while   were made to be used in a pilot-scale
              field is still limited because it only   at 650°C the formation of polycrystalline   solar reactor. The manufactured films
              exhibits reactivity under UV light. This   materials with anatase and rutile phases   were evaluated by degrading methylene
              is why research has been developed   was observed. The IR spectra indicate   blue under solar radiation. These films
              around shifting its absorption spectrum   the insertion of nitrogen in the doped   degrade up to 64% in a time of 4h. The
              towards the visible region and thus taking   materials evidenced by the appearance   decrease in photocatalytic activity is
              advantage of incident solar radiation on   of a peak close to 1108 m-1 assigned   mainly attributed to the decrease in
              earth. Among these methods, doping   to the -N-O- bond within the materials.   surface area due to the process of fixing
              with different elements such as copper,   BET area studies showed that N-TiO2   the material. The synthesized material
              iron, vanadium, nitrogen, among   materials have higher surface area and   with doping level 0.2N/Ti calcined at
              others, stands out. Taking into account   porosity with respect to undoped TiO2.   450°C can be used in the construction of
              the above, nitrogen doped TiO2 was   The analysis of the diffuse reflectance   solar photoreactors for the degradation
              synthesized through a sol-gel method   spectra showed that the doped materials   of pollutants. In this way, the application
              using triethylamine and titanium   present absorption in the visible region.   of photocatalytic processes could be
              isopropoxide as sources of nitrogen and   In order to evaluate the photocatalytic   extended to a scale larger than that of
              titanium respectively. The N / Ti molar   activity of the synthesized materials,   the laboratory, since operating costs are
              ratio was varied in the synthesis with   the catalytic degradation of methylene   significantly reduced by making efficient
              values of 0, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.5 to obtain   blue was carried out under visible light.   use of the solar resource.
              TiO2, with different levels of nitrogen   The material with a doping ratio of 0.2
              doping. Additionally, the powders   calcined at 450°C presented the best
              obtained  from  each  synthesis  were   photocatalytic activity, degrading up
              subjected to calcination temperatures   to 72% of methylene blue in a period
              of 450°C and 650°C. The resulting   of 4h under visible light. This is mainly

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