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SUMMARY                         business, English, valuing local culture   ponse-content-disposition=inline+-
                                              and self-esteem and the collective, for
                                              the empowerment of local communities,   res=1600962211&Signature=agJiUz5Q-
                  ommunity ecotourism has     through teamwork, interculturalism and   DArZhbFWrqXhjG2MNrA1zKjwliqNHbR-
                  the potential to promote    basic knowledge about the ecosystemic   snWklI-Mm67wv1v639r0MTJ6zo-
              Cenvironmental  culture,  both  in   biology. It is also important to recognize   c30Yp5oo7nOm
              tourists and in the communities offering   the strengths and weaknesses of   Ordóñez, C. (2019). Las representaciones so-
              this activity; however, the economic   the territory, for the formulation   caiels como propuesta para el estudio
              interest in its offer takes precedence,   and implementation of community   de la percepcion social de la ciencia y la
              with the result that respect for nature   projects. This requires the integration   tecnología:  Un  acercamiento  concep-
              takes a back seat. One of the possible   of diverse actors. Conclusions: Social   tual y metodológico. Divulgatio Perfiles
              causes of this situation is the lack of   Representations are the axis that   Academicos de Posgrado, 30-45. Obte-
              knowledge of the information, valuation   triggers change, which occurs through   nido de
              and attitudes, that is, of the Social   environmental education; hence, the   profile/Cristian_Vargas-Ordonez/publi-
              Representations of the communities   need to know and integrate them. There   cation/339337154_Las_representacio-
              interested in its development, about   is also a need to bring the University   nes_sociales_como_propuesta_para_el_
              environmental education for the   closer to the rural area, strengthening   estudio_de_la_percepcion_social_de_
              promotion of Ecotourism. The objective   science and popular knowledge and the   la_ciencia_y_la_tecnologia_Un_acerca-
              is to identify the Social Representations   communities with businessmen and   miento_conceptual_y_metodologico/
              on environmental training for the   tourists. In order to promote ecotourism,   links/5e4c0710a
              promotion of community ecotourism.   it is necessary to have an integral   Organización Mundial del Turismo. (2018).
              The theoretical referents are ecosophy   knowledge of the territory. (Translated   World Tourism Organization and
              and Social Representations, in which   with - free   Organization of American States. UNWTO,
              the good of nature and humanity   version).                        1.56. doi:10.18111/9789284419685
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