P. 145
Subsequently, this oil was converted smallest seed (1.08x0.75x0.48cm) and process is considered optimal for use as
into Biodiesel through experimental maintaining the same density in the oil fuel due to its low percentage of water
design 23 (Temperature, Time and (0.99gr/ml). Regarding oil viscosity and and high ash content.
Molar ratio between catalyst and oil) acidity index, the most suitable seed
at fixed conditions of 250-350RPM, for the transesterification process was
quantity of oil 150g and methanol 32g Mirante 10, with values 833.6cP and
and two methods: transesterification 0.76KOH/g oil, respectively, since the
with methanol and catalyst. chemical less presence of free fatty acids, the
(KOH) and transerification with less degradation in biodiesel and less
methanol and enzymatic catalyst. corrosion in the engine system (Garcia,
(Lipasa comercial XX Split 25L). The 2017). Of chemical transesterification,
quality of the Biodiesel was evaluated a translucent biodiesel is obtained, with
by comparing the parameters of less glycerin production, higher yield
density, humidity, acid number and and better quality of biodiesel. However,
percentage of phosphorus with the the enzymatic transesterification
technical specifications stipulated in with Mirante 10 complies with the
the Normas Tecnicas de Colombia NTC parameters established by the NTC
5444 and ASTM D6751 for biofuels. 544 (density 0.95g/ml, humidity 0.76%,
The seed that produced the highest phosphorus 5mg/l, triglycerides 1.6mg/
quantity of oil was Sipeal 28, being the dl). The residue from the oil extraction
ASTM D6751-19. (2019). ASTM ICONTEC. (2018). Biodiésel para uso en Naciones Unidas; Foster, S.; Elzinga, D.
International [Standard motores diésel. Especificaciones. (n.d.). El papel de los combustibles
Specification for Biodiesel Fuel ICONTEC. https://www.icontec. fósiles en un sistema energético
Blend Stock (B100) for Middle org/rules/biodiesel-para-uso-en- sostenible.
Distillate Fuels]. motores-diesel-especificaciones/ NTC 5444. (2006). Biodiésel
García, S. (2017). Propiedades Laine, J. (2008). Los biocombusti- para uso en motores diésel.
fisicoquímicas del aceite y bles y la alimentación huma- Especificaciones. ICONTEC.
biodiesel producidos de la na. Interciencia, 33(1), 71-73.
Jatropha curcas L. en la provincia
de Manabí, Ecuador, Revista php?script=sci_arttext&pi-
Cubana de Química, 40 (1),142- d=S0378-18442008000100015