P. 148

evaluation allows to know the impact,   To achieve this, the design process and   that  the  designer  must  evaluate  his
              whether positive or negative, that   the activities carried out in each stage   project management processes and his
              the processes or actions of anthropic   were analyzed and then proposed a   creative processes, analyze and apply
              activities, have on the environment.   series of criteria and indicators, studying   sustainable indicators corresponding to
              These indicators facilitate the discovery   the dimensions of sustainability and   graphic design, to improve the activity
              of critical and opportunity points where   analyzing four sustainability indicators,   and meet the objectives established in
              sustainable measures, can be used to   proposed by graphic designers: Design   sustainable development. Therefore,
              prevent, correct, protect or minimize the   Can Change Checklist, by Erick Karjaluoto;   the practice of graphic design will
              risk environmental, social or economic   Good practices for sustainability design,   contribute to the progress of society,
              impact, in the design process and use   by Erick Benson; Re-nourish Sustainable   facing the problems of today’s world.
              of materials to generate a sustainable   Standards, by Erick Benson and Yvette
              perspective of graphic design. The   Perullo and Sustainable Design Checklist,
              objective of this work is to analyze   by the design studio Viola Design. After
              the exercise of graphic design in the   carrying  out  a  deep  analysis  of  the
              execution of project management and   dimensions and their insertion in graphic
              the design process used to detect critical   design for the improvement of processes
              points and opportunities, to propose   and being endorsed by experts from
              criteria and indicators of sustainability.   different areas, it can be concluded


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