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método IPCC 2013 GWP 100a. El caso de El valor del RBR, para este estudio, es
estudio es la empresa Madera Plástica 54%. Este resultado positivo indica que
Mendoza, que utiliza los residuos el ahorro ambiental de reciclar residuos
plásticos posconsumo, como materia plásticos posconsumo es 54%, con
prima para la elaboración de postes. respecto a la producción del producto, a
Para la producción de un poste son partir de materia prima virgen (madera)
necesarios 10kg de residuos plásticos, y la disposición final de los residuos
aproximadamente. El producto de MPM plásticos en el vertedero, expresado en
es utilizado por la industria vitivinícola término de emisiones de GEI.
y reemplazan a los postes de madera.
rgentina is one of the largest potential environmental impacts and Madera Plástica Mendoza (MPM), which
consumers of plastic materials benefits associated with plastic waste specialises in the production of recycled
Ain Latin America. In 2019, recycling with an emphasis on comparing plastic poles. MPM consumes 10 kg of
the average consumption was 4 kg different disposal alternatives (Gu et recycled materials to produce one pole.
per capita, as confirmed by Cámara al. 2017). This work aims to assess the The recycled plastic poles are sold to
Argentina de la Industria Plástica environmental performance of a real wine industries, and these products
(CAIP) (Sbarbati Nudelman, 2020). The case study on plastic waste recycling avoid the production of wooden poles.
Metropolitan Area of Mendoza produces in Mendoza, Argentina. We applied The RBR of the case study was 54%.
1078 tonnes daily of solid wastes, in the Recyclability Benefit Rate (RBR) The results show that the recycling of
which post-consumer plastic waste indicator in the plastic waste treatment. the post-consumer plastic waste in MPM
represents 10 % (Bobillo & Santonato, Ardente and Mathieux (2014) proposed has an environmental benefit of 54%
2017). However, the final disposal of the RBR, which is based on an LCA compared to the production of virgin
solid wastes is usually the open dumps. approach. Huysman et al. (2015) material (wood) and landfilling of waste
Mechanical recycling of plastics is a further developed the RBR for open- in terms of GHG emissions.
process for recovering plastic materials, loop recycling (RBR_OL). The RBR_OL is
and this practice produces recycled applicable when the recycling materials
plastics substituting virgin materials. are only usable for other product
In 2019, Argentina recycled 232,900 applications, i.e. substituting other
tonnes; this value represents 13% of materials instead of the virgin material.
the total amount of plastic consumed However, improvements of the RBR_
(Sbarbati Nudelman, 2020). Substituting OL were still needed. Subsequently,
virgin materials with recycling plastics is Huysveld et al. (2019) introduced
a common practice that contributes to improved equations. In this work, we
reducing GHG emissions (Liu et al. 2018). applied the IPCC 2013 GWP 100a method
Practitioners generally apply Life Cycle in order to account for GHG emissions.
Assessment (LCA) for addressing the The case study is the company named