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SUMMARY                                                         REFERENCIAS

                   he water body contamination is   With the combination of battery carbon   Aguirre Quintana, M.J.; Arévalo
                   increasing currently; among it´s   vs stainless, average current density   Morales, M.del.C.; Casanova,
              Ttop contaminants are the so called   8.77mA cm-2 and average power of   M.I.; Matsuhiro Yamamoto, B.;
              emerged compounds (drugs, synthetic   2.43W it threw us, 3/16inch. (4.77mm)   Mendoza  Espíndola,L.;  Romero
              hormones, personal cleanliness   distance of in both, with good wear   Figueroa, J. (2012). Electrodo de
              and cleaning products and others).   resistance.                   carbón proveniente de desechos
              Different  processes  have  been  used                             de alta actividad electrocatalítica.
              for its removal, mainly biological with                            Método de obtención y aplicación.
              partial removal, Some physical-chemical                            Patente Internacional (Tratado
              processes have been implemented                                    de Cooperación de Patentes).
              recently, among which the advanced                                 Número de Solicitud: PCT/
              Oxidation Processes stand out, the                                 CL2011/000030. Universidad
              electro-oxidation processes have been                              Santigo de Chile.
              relevant for the efficient removal for                          Armendáriz Vidales, G.M.E.
              different organic pollutants from water                            (2012). Diseño, construcción y
              specifically, different combinations of                            caracterización de electrodos
              titanium, boron, platinum as electrodes                            de  grafito  modificados  con
              among others are using, diamond-doped                              materiales compositos para la
              materials also been used in the same                               detección de dopamina en líquido
              way good results was throwing, it is an                            cefalorraquídeo. Tesis de grado
              expensive alternative however, For this                            Maestría  en  Electroquímica.
              reason , in the current work, the carbon                           Centro de Investigación y
              electrodes from batteries (carbon-zinc)                            Desarrollo Tecnológico en
              was obtained, there are urban waste                                Electroquímica. México.
              part of. In addition, industrial and urban                      Bermúdez, D.J.R. (2018). Degradación
              waste were considered, carbon brushes                              de 17β-estradiol en agua
              electric motor specifically. Mechanical                            mediante el uso de ozono/uv y
              seal for pumps and compressor rotatory                             elucidación de los subproductos.
              carbon face. The design includes,                                  MIATS UAEM.
              recovered carbon used as anode                                  Cortez Muñoz J.E.; Gelover Santiago,
              and 304 stainless steel as cathode,                                S.L.; Calderón Mólgora, C.G.;
              voltampermetry test of electrodes                                  Montellano Palacios, L.; Moeller
              array were performed, to obtain the                                Chávez, G.E.; Linares Ocampo, J.;
              feasible anode-cathode combination                                 Solís Arcos, Y.; Gómez Rojas, A.
              that better EO behavior give us, with                              (2011). Residuos de tratamiento
              abrasion resistance and low energy                                 de emergentes: remoción de
              consumption The best results were                                  contaminantes emergentes de
              with the combination of carbon brushed                             importancia sanitaria y ambiental;
              anode vs stainless steel, with current                             disminución del impacto sanitario
              density of 14.37mA cm-2 and average                                y  ambiental  de  los  desechos
              power of 2.96W, but with carbon wear.                              generados (TC1104.1). Instituto

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