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transición hacía una agricultura circular. generan subproductos, como jabones de
Para ello, se realizó una investigación baño, pomadas y cosméticos (Adomako
acerca de las generalidades del cultivo & ICCO secretariat, 2006). De modo que,
de cacao y el aprovechamiento de sus el aprovechamiento de estos residuos
residuos, a nivel nacional e internacional. permite aportar al cumplimiento de
Con ello, se ha evidenciado que los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible
residuos, como la cáscara del cacao, al innovar integrando los diversos
generan subproductos, como pellets, desafíos ambientales, sociales y
que son fuente de energía (Velazquez económicos. Además, es necesario
& Cárdenas, 2017); residuos, como el seguir posicionando al país respecto al
mucílago, generan subproductos, como cacao, a nivel mundial, implementando
mermeladas, gelatinas y bebidas y, estrategias de economía circular e
residuos, como los granos descartados, impulsando el agro colombiano.
he cocoa crop has different it has been determined that 10% of the an investigation was carried out on the
benefits in Colombia, such as: cocoa fruit is economically used, which generalities of cocoa crops and the use of
Teconomic, as it is an important focuses on the beans, and for each ton its wastes at a national and international
product in the family basket (Rodríguez, of cocoa produced, 10 tons of cocoa level. With this, it has been shown that
2019), environmental, as it is an shell waste are generated (Rojas, 2019). waste such as the cocoa shell generate
agroforestry system, and social, by Therefore, circular agriculture appears, by-products such as pellets that are a
boosting the economy of areas that in which is a model that is derived from the source of energy (Velazquez & Cárdenas,
many cases present social problems such circular economy and aims that, through 2017), waste such as mucilage generate
as poverty, violence, unemployment, and the collective search of technologies, by-products such as jams, jellies, and
armed groups (Ministerio de Agricultura associations, economic models drinks, and waste such as discarded
y Desarrollo Rural, Federación Nacional and social services, the agricultural beans generate by-products such as
de Cacaoteros y Fondo Nacional del system has a good performance doing bath soaps, pomades, and cosmetics.
Cacao, 2013). Despite the pandemic moderate use of resources, energy (Adomako & ICCO secretariat, 2006). The
generated by COVID-19, the cocoa sector and with the least possible pressure use of these wastes makes it possible
in the country reached a record in cocoa on the environment (WAGENINGEN to contribute to the fulfillment of the
production with 63.416 tons in 2020. UNIVERSITY & RESEARCH, 2018). Now, objectives of sustainable development
In addition, imports fell, presenting 402 one of its principles is to add value by integrating environmental, social,
tons for 2019 and only 180 tons for to the material that is perceived as and economic challenges. In addition,
2020. According to the report carried out waste by integrating various strategies it is necessary to continue positioning
by the International Cocoa Organization, throughout the life cycle of the product. the country with cocoa at a global level
Colombia ranks tenth as a cocoa producer Therefore, the objective of this project by implementing circular economy
in the world and fifth in Latin America is to identify options for the use of the strategies and promoting Colombian
(Federación Nacional de Cacaoteros, wastes generated in the cocoa crop of agriculture.
2021). However, the increase in cocoa the Utopia campus of the University
production generates accumulation of of La Salle, promoting the transition
residual biomass. In various study areas, towards circular agriculture. For this,