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un secado térmico intensivo de energía   para la no contaminación y cuidado
              para los desechos, cuando el proceso lo   del ambiente. Para conocer cuáles son
              permita, ofreciendo, posteriormente,   las estrategias o herramientas que
              una solución con una huella ambiental   actualmente se están implementando,
              y unos costos más bajos (Van Fan et   con base en la economía circular y la
              al. 2021). Una revisión actualizada del   ecología industrial y a partir de esto,
              tema contribuiría a conocer el estado de   realizar un análisis de cuáles de estas
              las estrategias y las herramientas que   podrían llevar hacia una producción
              se han implementado a nivel mundial,   sostenible, pudiendo ser aplicadas
              para realizar un análisis de todos los   en todo el sector y de la industria en
              vehículos que se tienen, con los cuales,   general.
              las industrias se encaminen hacia una
              producción sostenible, de una manera
              correcta y beneficiosa, tanto para la
              empresa, en todos sus aspectos, como


                  urrently in the world there   and economy of the companies. For   that could have great benefits in terms
                  is evidence of a production   this, some countries have already been   of mitigation, control and prevention
              Cchain which, for the most part,   concerned about studying various   of environmental pollution. The
              generates a negative environmental   strategies that go hand in hand with   implementation of industrial parks
              impact, whether on a small or large   the circular economy and industrial   such as Kalunborg in Denmark, is an
              scale. Solving this problem has become   ecology, which have already been put   example of the great success of the
              a challenge for the industry, making   into practice to advance these issues.   application of this theme, generating a
              sustainable production increasingly   Therefore, the following question arises:   fully circular economy with the total use
              indispensable. These sustainability   What tools and/or strategies exist for   of all waste, without causing a negative
              processes are difficult to carry out and   sustainable production from the field   impact on the environment by the entire
              tools and strategies are needed to   of circular economy and industrial   production chain and all that this entails.
              be able to implement this objective,   ecology? Recently, industrial ecology   Because of the above, the potential
              which will bring both environmental   has been little implemented worldwide   Eco sites are usually of great extension
              benefits, as well as in the development   and it is an alternative to sustainability   and cover several units, cluster-based

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