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inventario y la evaluación de impacto, se   de productos y procesos (Bretz y
              usó el software open access Open LCA.   Frankhauser, 1996; Dahllöf, 2003) y
              Los principales impactos ambientales   la aplicabilidad de dicha evaluación es
              significativos se deben a la generación   una metodología de apoyo para Etipress
              de, aproximadamente, 229.389,80kg   S.A, en la toma de decisiones durante el
              de residuos sólidos anuales, derivados   diseño, la optimización de sus sistemas
              de la etapa de troquelado y descantone   productivos y la operación de sus
              que, debido a sus características,   procesos; igualmente, con ella mejora la
              se aprovechan actualmente como   competitividad en el mercado, mediante
              combustible alternativo. Para concluir,   la adopción de políticas y prácticas que
              el análisis el Análisis de Ciclo de Vida   mejoren o incrementen la sostenibilidad
              contribuye a mejorar el desempeño   (Bautista, Toloza y Sanes, 2019).
              ambiental de las actividades productivas,
              a través del análisis correspondiente


                   lobal  trends,  the  causes  and/  tools and carrying out the life cycle   accordance with the requirements of
                   or  consequences  of  socio-  analysis of one of its production lines   the environmental authority and the
              Genvironmental problems and     (self-adhesive  labels), under  the   ISO 14001 standard. The second phase
              the need to respond to environmental   standards of the ISO 14040 standard   consisted of applying the methodology
              regulations, arouse interest in   The research was developed in two   of the ISO 14040 Standard for Life
              organizations to consider environmental   phases: an initial diagnosis phase, by   Cycle Analysis. It was identified that the
              criteria as part of business management   collecting the most relevant information   flexographic process is the main method
              and the search for sustainable   on production and environmental   of the company that contributes to the
              development. (Anampi, Aguilar, Castillo   matters, in this stage basic tools of   greatest generation of environmental
              and Bohórquez, 2018). Etipress S.A. is a   cleaner production were applied, such as   impacts, therefore, for this evaluation,
              medium-sized company in the graphic   flow diagrams of the printing processes   the self-adhesive label “Bonaropa
              arts sector, attached to the District   and product, analysis of eco-maps for   Floral” was used as a reference, since it
              Environmental Excellence program, has   the identification of critical points,   is the product with the highest number
              an environmental management system,   development of ecobalances and MED   of  orders.  carried  out  in  the  period
              therefore, it is in continuous search of   matrix for the quantification of inputs   2019-2020, in which 1,669,000 linear
              strategies that allow it to promote the   and outputs during the flexographic   meters  were  printed,  with  a  total  of
              reduction of its environmental impacts.   process, such as the identification of   36,019,800 units. For the inventory
              The main purpose of this contribution   the flows that are part of the production   analysis and impact evaluation, the open
              was to evaluate the environmental   chain of the self-adhesive label and   access software Open LCA was used.
              impacts of Etipress SA Labels and   Finally,  consolidate  the  matrix  of   The main significant environmental
              Impressions, using cleaner production   environmental aspects and impacts, in   impacts are due to the generation of

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