P. 206
he Río Alto Negro sub-basin is and decreases in the southeast of Fallas, J. (2012). Correlación lineal.
located in the department of the sub-basin; in La Niña it increases Midiendo la relación entre dos
TCundinamarca, Colombia in the in the southeast and decreases in the variables. Universidad para la
municipalities of El Peñón, Villa Gómez, northeast. This study concludes that Cooperación Internacional. Costa
Zipaquirá and Pacho. The sub-basin in the Alto Negro River sub-basin the Rica, p. 3. Tomado de: http://www.
has a behavior of climatic variability incidence of ENSO is evidenced on the
due to the incidence of macro-scale surface meteorological variables when 05/BLOQUE-ACADEMICO/Unidad-2/
phenomena such as ENSO, which affects the El Niño phenomenon occurs in the complementarias/correlacion_
the surface meteorological variables of quarters of March / April / May in the lineal_2012.pdf
precipitation and temperature in the El years 1997, 1998, 2006, 2009, 2010 Guevara, E.; Paredes, F. (2007). Influencia
Niño and La Niña phases. The purpose and 2014-2016, varying the behavior de variables macroclimáticas
of this study is based on analyzing the of the temperature in the northeastern sobre el régimen pluviométrico
relationship and incidence of ENSO on part and in a normal alteration of the del Estado Cojedes, Venezuela.
the meteorological variables of surface precipitation of the sub-basin. In the Revista INGENIERÍA UC, vol. 14,
precipitation and temperature, the La Niña phase, the incidence of ENSO núm. 3, diciembre, 2007, p. 49-56,
spatial representation of the behavior is evidenced in the years 1999-2002, Universidad de Carabobo Valencia,
and the probability of pluviometric 2006-2009 and 2011 in different Venezuela.
alteration during the period from 1997 quarters, with alterations in precipitation Montealegre, J. (2007). IDEAM. Modelo
to 2016. Regarding the methodology, and changes in the southeastern and Institucional del IDEAM sobre el efecto
this It takes as a reference the Pearson northeastern part of the sub-basin. climático de los fenómenos de El Niño
correlation, the analysis of standardized y La Niña en Colombia. Subdirección
anomalies by Guevara and Paredes, the de meteorología, p. 6,8. Bogotá.
weighted inverse distance interpolation Tomado de:
(IDW), the punctual and categorical co/documents/21021/440517/
indices, and the Montealegre frequency Modelo+Institucional+El+Nio+-
and probability table. The results of +La+Nia.pdf/232c8740-c6ee-4a73-
this research showed that ENSO is a8f7-17e49c5edda0
related to temperature in a strong and Reguant-Álvarez, M.; Vilà-Baños, R.;
perfect degree with a value of 0.76 in Torrado-Fonseca, M. (2018). La
Pearson’s correlation, and precipitation relación entre dos variables según la
is moderate and strong in different years escala de medición con SPSS. REIRE
and quarters of the period studied. Revista d’Innovació i Recerca en
The El Niño phenomenon affects the Educació, 11(2), 45–60. http://doi.
northwestern part and La Niña in the org/10.1344/reire2018.11.221733
southeastern and northwestern part
of the sub-basin. Precipitation presents
a normal alteration with a value of
83.3% in the warm phase and 88% in
the cold phase. During the ENSO, the
temperature in the El Niño phenomenon
shows increases in the northeast zone