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territoriales, que inciden en la oferta y   y Seguridad Pública de Chile, se traspasa   de una nueva gobernanza, que permitirá
              la provisión de servicios ecosistémicos.   una serie de competencias de materia   ejecutar estas competencias y planificar
              Esta información es clave para la   territorial a los gobiernos regionales,   políticas públicas, en el marco del proceso
              implementación de futuros planes de   como lo es el ordenamiento territorial,   de fortalecimiento de la regionalización
              ordenamiento territorial, ya que a partir   la infraestructura, el transporte, el   de Chile.
              de la ley 21.074, del Ministerio del Interior   turismo y el desarrollo social, además,


                   he  dryland  landscapes  of  the   allows the analysis of future trends and   of these competences and the planning
                   southern macrozone of Chile,   effects, to contribute to the generation   of public policies within the framework
              Tspecifically in the regions of   of territorial planning instruments that   of the process  of  strengthening  the
              La Araucanía and Los Ríos, represent   allow the conservation over time of the   regionalization of Chile.
              territories with strong socio-spatial   contributions that these ecosystems
                                              offer to human wellbeing (Peña-Cortés
              dynamics, transforming land use/cover,   et al. 2013). The present work aimed  REFERENCIAS
              reconverting productive activities, and
              modifying the supply and provision of   to analyze land use/cover changes in
              ecosystem services (Montoya-Tangarife   the different territories of the southern   Corporación Nacional Forestal, CONAF.
              et al. 2017). These landscapes represent   macrozone of Chile that make up the   (2014). Catastro y Evaluación de los
              a challenge for professionals related   dryland landscapes based on the land   Recursos Vegetacionales Nativos de
              to the agricultural areas, since there   use/land cover cadasters of the years   Chile, Región de Los Ríos.
              are multiple productive limitations   1997 and 2014 (CONAF, 2014; CONAF,   Corporación Nacional Forestal, CONAF.
              and socioeconomic problems that   2013), and secondary information   (2013). Catastro y Evaluación de los
              must be solved to make this vast field   such as the percentage of people with   Recursos Vegetacionales Nativos de
              of the national territory a productive   multidimensional poverty. The results   Chile, Región de La Araucanía.
              and socially acceptable sector. One of   indicate that although the dryland   Montoya-Tangarife, C.; De La Barrera,
              the main limitations lies in the lack of   landscapes of the Araucanía and Los   F.; Salazar, A.; Inostroza, L. (2017).
              water resources with a certain degree   Ríos regions have similar forestry and   Monitoring the effects of land cover
              of security, which would allow small   livestock areas, there are important   change on the supply of ecosystem
              farmers to promote more profitable   differences  in  territorial  regulations   services in an urban region: A study
              permanent crops. It is estimated that   that affect the supply and provision of   of Santiago-Valparaíso, Chile. PLoS
              one of the recurring limitations when   ecosystem services. This information   One 12, 1-22.
              implementing land for agriculture is   is key for the implementation of future   journal.pone.0188117
              the lack of adequate infrastructure   land management plans, since Law   Peña-Cortés, F.; Rozas-Vásquez, D.;
              and regulation of water resources,   21.074 of the Chilean Ministry of the   Rebolledo, G.; Pincheira-Ulbrich,
              factors that are directly related to the   Interior and Public Safety transferred   J.; Escalona, M.; Hauenstein, E.;
              socioeconomic inequalities  of rural   a  series of territorial competencies   Vargas-Chacoff, L.; Bertrán, C.; Tapia,
              territories. In this context, understanding   to the regional governments, such   J.; Cisternas, M. (2013). Territorial
              the different forms of land occupation,   as land management, infrastructure,   Planning for Coastal Zones in Chile: The
              the spatiotemporal changes in land use/  transportation, tourism, and social   Need for Geographical-Environmental
              cover and their relationship with the   development. In addition,  a new   and Natural Risk Indicators for Spatial
              potential supply of ecosystem services,   governance that will allow the execution   Decision Support Systems.

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