P. 210

Pucón, para 1994 y 2013, con base en   Respecto a los cambios de población,
              los censos 1982, 1992, 2002 y 2017,   todas las comunas registran un bajo
              de acuerdo con el cálculo de la tasa de   crecimiento, salvo la comuna de
              crecimiento de Maldonado (2005). Como   Pucón, que presentó la mayor tasa de
              resultado de los catastros analizados,   crecimiento, con un 6,48%, seguido por
              se agruparon en usos/cobertura de   Curarrehue (0,69%), Lonquimay (1,5%)
              suelos, como “Bosque nativo”, “Cultivos   y Melipeuco (0,75%). El crecimiento de
              y praderas”, “Matorrales”, “Otras   la población es un factor que altera el
              coberturas”, “Plantaciones forestales”   equilibrio que, generalmente, conlleva
              y “Urbano”. Los usos/cobertura de   a una explotación de los recursos de la
              suelo con mayor cambio de superficie   montaña y genera una demanda mayor
              fueron las categorías “Bosque nativo”,   de servicios.
              “Matorrales” y “Cultivos y praderas”.


                    ountainous areas are important,   in ecological processes that lead to   together with the dominance of agro-
                    as they generate ecosystem   a decrease in biodiversity and even   industrial activities in other territories,
             Mservices (ES), which are defined   poverty (Zhou et al. 2020). This in turn   which leads many inhabitants to the
              as the benefits provided by natural   generates rural-urban migration, which   decapitalization of their main asset,
              ecosystems that can be used by   is known as one of the main drivers of   land. This has led to the search for
              humans (Costanza et al. 2011). Although   agricultural abandonment (Lasanta et al.   alternative salaried work in other
              the demand for ES in the mountain   2017). The mountainous areas in Chile   territories or in nearby urban centers,
              range increases continuously due to   are fundamental, since they represent   with the consequent risk of the loss
              population growth (Grêt-Regamey et   more than 80% of the national territory   of cultural identity (Peña et al. 2009),
              al. 2012), land use/cover change (LULCC)   and constitute a key natural factor in   which implies a series of socioeconomic
              has an impact on ecosystems and causes   the territorial configuration of the   effects of the change in land use in the
              changes in the SE (Dadashpoor et al.   country (FAO, 2012). In the Region of La   region, such as population, poverty,
              2019). Therefore, the LULCC is the main   Araucanía, from an economic and market   unemployment, decreased schooling,
              driving force behind the disturbances   perspective, there is low employability,   and low labor insertion (Garín  et al.

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