P. 217
ndean forests harbor great the coverages fragile in relation to the paisaje y ordenación territorial.
biodiversity and are relevant landscape matrix, making it necessary Vit oria-Gast eiz: Eusk o
Ain the provision of ecosystem to develop strategies aimed at the Jaurlaritzaren Argitalpen Zerbitzu
services. However, agricultural and integrated management of ecosystems. Nagusia, Servicio Central de
livestock economic activities and Publicaciones del Gobierno Vasco.
forest resource exploitation have led Mathez-Stiefel, S-L.; Peralvo, M.; Báez,
fragmented landscapes. Therefore, the REFERENCIAS S. (2017). Hacia la conservación
to the reduction of forests, generating
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dynamics of land cover change in the los paisajes de bosques andinos:
period between 1995 and 2018 were Una agenda de investigación.
evaluated. For this purpose, a land cover Corporación Autónoma Regional de Programa Bosques Andinos de la
map corresponding to these years was Nariño, CORPONARIÑO. (2008a). Agencia Suiza para el Desarrollo
generated, for which cartographic Plan de Ordenación y Manejo de y la Cooperación - COSUDE,
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indicate that, in the sector, 59.81% Memorias del Año Internacional Moreno, N.; Gonzalez-Caro, S.
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56.7% of the area did not change and the Bogotá, D.C., Colombia. Programa Bosques Andinos
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13% in some areas. This has led to the del territorio y conservación
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