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SUMMARY                                                         REFERENCIAS

                   he current economic model and   use and distribution of land, particularly   Colombia, segundo país con más
                   the insertion of Latin America   showing how, mainly, the most affected   conflictos ecológicos según mapa
              Tin  the  world  market, brought   populations have been those that   global. (20 de marzo de 2014). El
              with them in the last decades, a   historically accumulate violations  of   Tiempo: Redacción vida de hoy.
              productive re-specialization based   rights and decent living conditions.  Recuperado de: http://www.
              on the extraction of non-renewable                       
              resources and the unequal exchange                              Hincapié Jiménez, S.; López Pacheco,
              of ecosystem goods and services,                                   J.A. (2016). Derechos humanos
              generating incessant struggles for the                             y bienes comunes. Conflictos
              territory and the nature. According to                             socioambientales en Colombia.
              the EJOLT, Colombia is consolidated                                Desacatos, (51), 130-141.
              as the second country with the most                             Hornborg, A. (1998). Towards an
              socio-environmental conflicts and the                              ecological theory of unequal
              extractive sector would be explaining                              exchange: articulating world
              a large part of these. In the department                           system theory and ecological
              of Quindío, there is currently evidence                            economics. Ecological economics,
              of a heterogeneity of conflicts that have                          25(1), 127-136.
              not yet been registered in the last world                       Martínez-Alier, J. (2009). El ecologismo
              mapping, this represents a problem at                              de los pobres. Conflictos
              the environmental and territorial level                            ambientales y lenguajes de
              for assertive political decision-making;                           valoración, Icaria.
              That is why, under the current context,                         Pérez Rincón, M.A. (2014). Conflictos
              it is important to characterize the                                ambientales en Colombia:
              dynamics of the socio-environmental                                inventario, caracterización y
              conflicts generated by the extractive                              análisis. Estrategia de manejo
              sector in the department of Quindío. For                           ambiental de la zona media y baja
              this, a compilation and characterization                           de la subcuenca del Río Pance.
              of the conflicts was carried out, based                         Temper, L.; Del Bene, D.; Martínez-
              on the search, identification and analysis                         Alier, J. (2015). Mapping the
              of the problematic situations reported                             frontiers and front lines of global
              by the extraction, use and distribution                            environmental justice: the EJAtlas.
              of nature in the department. They were                             Journal of Political Ecology, 22(1),
              located spatially at the geographical level                        255-278.
              and established analytical relationships
              with the different social actors, taking as
              a theoretical and methodological basis
              the analysis of the SR that they have
              built around their social and cultural
              dynamics. The extractive sector would
              explain the origin of multiple socio-
              environmental conflicts over access,

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