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is the year 1990 as the first great crisis   an excess of confidence in the idea of   when thinking about their territories.
              of the department arises, the coffee   sustainability, which they reduce to a   Despite the foregoing and as a future
              machine, and as the end of the year   mere economic value and in which they   perspective, the outlook for the
              2020 as the pandemic turns the gaze   do not deposit any type of criticism, on   Quindío territory is uncertain, since
              to other forms of production and land   the other hand, the existence of norms   a large number of projects with high
              use planning. In accordance with the   that guarantee citizen participation in   environmental impact are presented
              above, it has been possible to identify   decision-making on the territory, has   on it, but social organizations have
              from national policies, even from the   allowed committed local actors to make   also shown interest in caring for their
              Ministry of Environment and Sustainable   use  of  them  to  oppose  intervention   environment, appropriating the tools
              Development, that biodiversity is at   projects that would drastically   that national and local laws offer from
              risk as its protection depends on the   change territorial dynamics, making   participation mechanisms to repel
              notion of sustainability, which has at   it evident that the institutional vision   the massive arrival of intervention
              its base the economic growth criterion.   on restoration of an ecosystem due to   projects, however, they face new ways
              Which means an idea of linearity and   the production or polluting practices   of delegitimizing their work such as the
              progress that would put ecosystems at   produced by individuals must go beyond   judicialization of their actions and citizen
              risk as long as they present opposition   the simple economic bonus and this has   confrontation.
              to the development of well-being, this   been achieved by the environmental
              definition of sustainability can be found   education processes taught at different
              in article 3 of this Law. It was possible   educational levels guaranteed by the
              to show that both at the normative   same Colombian regulations, thus
              level and in citizen perception, there is   creating citizens aware of their role


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