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                   he Environmental Impact    sociocultural dimensions. Taking this
                   Studies -EIA- in Colombia, and   reading in deep consideration, some
              Tin particular the Environmental   criteria and indicators are settled down
              Impact Assessments still hold difficulties   to identify environmental impacts and
              to incorporate some perspectives of   to consider their significance, with
              analyses of the territory, that allow an   support of the vulnerability concept.
              approximation to the real significance   The methodological frame is applied to
              of the environmental impacts that the   the mining conflict in Marmato, Caldas
              projects, works and human activities   as a way to approach the valuation of its
              generate on the territorial framework.   impacts. It is concluded that assuming
              In most of the cases, the results of the   the EIA in a territorial perspective, allows
              evaluation depend on the subjective   also identify environmental impacts that
              criterion of the expert who is in charge   usually are ignored in the conventional
              to perform this evaluation, without   methodologies, and in a similar way,
              considering the contributions of   consider its intensity or gravity with
              the communities possibly affected   based on the rich social intersubjectivity.
              by the  project,  to  which  the  use
              of methodologies is added, that
              although happen to be abundant in
              technicalities, ignore the political
              relevance of this instrument. Having
              in consideration what was previously
              mentioned, the present work proposes
              a methodological elements to identify
              and assess environmental impacts,
              being based for it on the conceptual
              and instrumental baggage contributed
              by  the  fields of the Ecological and
              political Economy, whose main interest
              turns around the investigation of the
              environmental conflicts caused by the
              discorded relations between ecosystem
              and culture, relations that are read in
              the light of political, economic and

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