P. 242

el cumplimiento de los acuerdos, la   socioambientales en Cerro Norte, por
              defensa del territorio, la organización   tanto, se establece un modelo orientado
              comunitaria, la soberanía alimentaria,   a articular las prácticas que se realizan,
              la familiaridad y el acogimiento, de   para superar los conflictos que surgen
              quienes, por diversas razones, han   a raíz de esta disociación; a la vez, que
              llegado a  hacer  de estas  laderas  un   se propone sensibilizar a la población
              refugio y un hogar para sus familias.   para que reconozcan la importancia de
              La disociación evidente entre el uso   la dimensión ambiental y la disposición
              y la vocación del suelo han generado,   adecuada del suelo, manteniendo la
              históricamente, una serie de conflictos   vocación del territorio.


                   his research shows the territorial   lines of action have been outlined in   with agreements, defense of the
                   dynamics that occurred in terms   order to harmonize the practices that   territory, community organization,
              Tof land use and vocation in the   are part of the use and vocation of   food sovereignty, familiarity and the
              Cerro Norte neighborhood, located   the land in the neighborhood. For the   welcoming of those who for various
              in the town of Usaquén in the city of   research, the interpretive paradigm and   reasons  have come to make these
              Bogotá. The neighborhood is located   methodological triangulation have been   slopes a refuge and a home for their
              on the slopes of the eastern hills,   accepted, which allows a mixed research   families.  The  evident  dissociation
              on the edge of the Protective Forest   design, through the use of qualitative   between the use and vocation of the
              Reserve of the Eastern Forest of Bogotá,   and quantitative techniques, within   land has historically generated a series
              forming the irregular urbanizations of   which are life stories, semi-structured   of socio-environmental conflicts in Cerro
              the city and causing a series of socio-  interviews, social cartography and use   Norte, therefore, a model is established
              environmental conflicts that make   of geographic information tools. Among   aimed at articulating the practices
              visible the disarticulation between   the results obtained, it is evidenced   that are carried out, to overcome the
              the use and vocation of the soil in the   that in Cerro Norte there are various   conflicts that arise as a result of this
              mentioned neighborhood. The research   uses of land such as the disposal of   dissociation, At the same time, it is
              objective that is proposed converges   this resource for urban purposes,   proposed to sensitize the population
              on understanding the articulation of   the occupation of space destined for   so that they recognize the importance
              the use and vocation of the land in   illegal activities, mainly theft, sale and   of the environmental dimension and
              the Cerro Norte neighborhood of the   consumption of narcotics and to a lesser   the adequate disposition of the soil,
              town of Usaquén, between the years   extent As a measure, the exploitation   maintaining the vocation of the territory.
              1950-2020. For its scope, in principle,   and extraction of natural resources, the
              the geo-historical evolution and the   inadequate disposal of solid waste, as
              way in which the land is currently used   well as used water have occasionally
              has been determined, framed within   been evidenced, altering the ecological
              the legal regulations that have allowed   and ecosystem conditions. On the
              urban settlements, despite the fact that   other  hand,  the  vocation of the  soil
              the mentioned neighborhood is located   is that of traditionality, resistance,
              on protected land . Subsequently, with   the construction of a social fabric,
              a purposeful character, a series of   by demanding rights, compliance

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