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                   he purpose of this research   of microorganisms, later isolations were   Hellequin, E.; Monard, C.; Chorin, M.;
                   is to analyze the influence of   made in selective culture medium for   Le Bris, N.; Daburon, V.; Klarzynski,
              Tmicroorganisms  present  in    functional groups, nitrogen fixers and   O.; Binet, F. (2020). Responses
              the soil of urban gardens in Kennedy   phosphate solubilizes. In the culture   of active soil microorganisms
              neighborhood in Bogota, Colombia.   medium for primary and selective   facing to a soil biostimulant input
              Microorganisms play an important role   isolation were recovered bacteria   compared to plant legacy effects.
              in the soil quality since they benefit the   and fungi microorganisms, indicating   Scientific reports, 10(1), 13727.
              development of crops, this is described   the great biodiversity present in the
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