P. 250
part of local governments to implement of the social agents that make up the
interactions with the ordinary citizen to territories (Gerstenberg and Hofmann,
recognize what those needs are that 2016; Ospina, 2015; Gallo, 2017). For this
trees, specifically those that are part reason, the importance of understanding
of urban Parks, supply to the general the development of alternatives
population. Similarly, the dismantling that ensure the maintenance and
of the socio-cultural, biophysical and protection of urban ecosystems taking
politico-administrative components into account the services and goods
of cities has disrupted the integrative they provide is emphasized, especially
approaches between climate change those that benefit different sectors of
and the management of the territory’s society, converging and confronting the
own natural resources, as well as contrasts in perspectives and needs
identifying the needs of the ordinary of different sectors of the population
citizen. However, from a comprehensive within the same socio-ecosystem where
perspective, the broad picture of the need arises for municipal authorities
identification and interpretation of to order the areas that are part of their
uses of urban natural goods can become territorial jurisprudence.
input for determinations inherent in
local environmental management,
where it aims to understand and
build the appropriation with the help
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urbana del municipio. Recuperado Onaindia, M.; Peña, L.; Rodríguez- de Pereira. Tesis de grado.
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wp-content/uploads/2019/02/ sirvicios de los ecosistemas como Pereira. Facultad de Ciencias
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Gerstenberg, T.; Hofmann, M. (2016). 4, p. 21-31. Recuperado de http://
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areas. Urban forestry & Urban
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