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inherentes a la gestión ambiental local, bienes que estos proveen, en especial,
donde se propenda por entender y para los que benefician, diferencialmente,
construir la apropiación, con ayuda de a distintos sectores de la sociedad,
los agentes sociales, que conforman convergiendo y confrontando los
los territorios (Gerstenberg y Hofmann, contrastes, en perspectivas y en
2016; Ospina, 2015; Gallo, 2017). Por necesidades de los distintos sectores
tal razón, se recalca la importancia de de la población, dentro de un mismo
comprender el desarrollo de alternativas, socio-ecosistema, donde surge la
que aseguren el mantenimiento y la necesidad de los entes municipales, en
protección de los ecosistemas urbanos, ordenar las áreas que hacen parte de su
teniendo en cuenta los servicios y los jurisprudencia territorial.
he present research aims to of the specimens that make up the and sociological well-being, recreation,
explore the benefits according woodland of the municipal parks and the education and rest, as well as its positive
Tto the value of use of trees use values recognizing both positive and effects on air quality, provision of habitat
in parks, as a contribution to the negative aspects. This is to understand for fauna and flora conservation,
management of land use in the the language of the landscape and the climate change mitigation (Alcaldía
municipality of Virginia by 2021. This role of woodland in urban environmental de Pereira-UTP, 2010), among others.
was supported by the implementation planning in order to intertwine what is Understanding that, among more green
of strategies such as qualitative perceived and desired from the vision spaces in urban areas, these goods and
research, participant observation and of the inhabitants of the municipality services improve the quality of life
statistical grouping around the benefits previously named. For this reason it associated with the amenities of the
of urban woodland, of 6 parks in the is important to emphasize that the population, either directly or indirectly
municipality of La Virginia (Risaralda), functions of woodland are associated (Onaindia et al. 2010). But from the
through the taxonomic identification with landscape improvement, physical regionality, there is no initiative on the