P. 255

such as transparency and hardness;   dilution.  However, we suggest  that   its trophic status and quality. Likewise,
              between zooplankton, phytoplankton   the increase in nutrient concentration   this study offers relevant information
              and nitrogen compounds, phosphorus,   during dry season has an impact on the   for future research that favors the
              copper and zinc. On the other hand, there   change of eutrophy; and on biological   conservation processes of the wetland
              were scarce correlations in parameters   and physicochemical parameters of the   ecosystem.
              such as alkalinity, salinity and pH with   ecosystem that, according to Roldán &
              biological variables and parameters   Ramirez (2008), correspond to what
              such as COD and BOD. Total phosphorus   is  expected  since  these  ecosystems
              recorded concentrations of 33.5±0.5   naturally tend to eutrophy. Regarding
              (mg/l) when there was no precipitation.   water quality, it was determined that
              Contrary to this, when precipitation   in the rainy season presents a better
              occurred  days  before  sampling,   water quality, registering pH between
              concentrations of 23.88±0.5(mg/l)   slightly alkaline and neutral (6-7)
              were recorded, suggesting that dilution   presenting greater oxygenation and
              is an important factor for nutrient   distribution of nutrients in the water
              concentration. As for the calculation of   column, which favors primary production
              the trophic state index, it recorded a   in the ecosystem (Pulido, 2015). This
              value of 56, classifying the ecosystem   study provided information on the basic
              as mesotrophic for the rainy season and   limnological properties of the El Burro
              eutrophic for the dry season, which may   wetland, suggesting that it is exposed to
              be due to the aforementioned nutrient   anthropic pressures that may influence


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