P. 258

of the selected protected área; Phase   respective steps depends a lot on   participatory and inclusive approach, to
              3. Data processing (information) to   the information that exists about the   allow joint responsibility in the planning,
              determine the ecosystem resilience of   selected protected area, therefore,   management and conservation of
              the selected protected área; Phase 4.   because it is possible that at the   protected areas, since it is considered
              Analysis, evaluation and feedback of the   time of applying the methodology to   that this process should be approached
              current state of ecosystem resilience of   any protected area , other steps that   in a manner transversal in all phases, so
              the selected protected área; Phase 5.   were not included in this proposal can   that the different actors that are part
              Socialization of the current state of the   be incorporated or only those steps   of the management and administration
              ecosystem resilience of the protected   that have information and that are   of the area can contribute to the
              area evaluated and generation of   the most applicable to the selected   identification of adaptive management
              recommendations for its management   protected area can be chosen.In this   strategies that contribute to the
              and effective management; where it   way, the methodology integrates the   strengthening of the ecosystem
              must be taken into account that the   component of inter-institutional and   resilience of these conservation areas.
              prioritization of the phases with their   community synergy, directed from a


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