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para el análisis de manera visual de y perspectivas del territorio. Además
los hallazgos de cada instrumento de lo anterior, el proyecto desarrolla
implementado e, igualmente, se realiza estrategias metodológicas para la
la triangulación de éstos. El análisis de lectura del territorio (Mapa de actores,
los resultados, se realiza teniendo en Diagrama de Goffin, Cartografía social,
cuenta cinco categorías de análisis: Matriz de relación, entre otros), desde
contextualización, participación, los proyectos ambientales escolares, en
sostenibilidad, gestión del conocimiento las instituciones educativas focalizadas.
n Colombia there is an Environmental south of the department (PRAE) and participation, sustainability, knowledge
Education Policy whose purpose is to members of social and administrative management and perspectives of
Ipromote an education that generates organizations from the selected the territory.In addition to the above,
in society a reading of reality in order to municipalities (CIDEA and PROCEDA ) the project develops methodological
consciously influence its transformation and the second source of information strategies for reading the territory
and harmonious relationship with the through a comprehensive review of (Map of actors, Goffin Diagram, Social
natural environment; however, its the bibliographic material that includes Cartography, Relationship Matrix, among
implementation has been deficient plans and planning instruments related others) from school environmental
in some territories, among other to the environmental context of this projects in targeted educational
causes, due to the lack of knowledge territory; within them: departmental institutions.
of the policy strategies and the poor and municipal development plans, land
understanding of the context by the use plans and schemes, environmental
communities. The present project aims management plans, Institutional
to implement some strategies of the Educational Projects and School
National Environmental Education Policy Environmental Projects. The sample is
for a reading of the territory, by the made up of four groups of individuals:
community of the southern cone of the (1) seventh grade students; (2) parents
department of Atlántico, that contribute or guardians of these students; (3)
to environmental management with teachers and (4) representatives of
relevance. This research is descriptive, the different sectors that make up the
with a non-experimental design and CIDEA of the municipalities of Campo
its study is of a mixed type, due to De la Cruz and Candelaria. The results
the fact that it has the collection and of the different instruments are treated
analysis of data in a qualitative and using descriptive statistics, they are
quantitative way, the collection of tabulated and represented by bar and
information is carried out through two circular diagrams for the visual analysis
channels: Primary information through of the findings of each implemented
direct observation, field registration, instrument, and they are also
interviews and surveys on a sample of triangulated. The analysis of the results
students, parents and teachers from is carried out taking into account five
some educational institutions in the categories of analysis: contextualization,