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SUMMARY                                                         REFERENCIAS

                  very day, we hear about air   them, how harmful they can be to the   Barreto, R. (2017). Contaminantes
                  pollution from car combustion,   environment and how to reduce their   emergentes (tesis de grado).
             Ewater sources, industrial processes   presence. Based on these results, it is   Universidad Nacional Autónoma
              such as leather tanning and soil pollution   concluded that there is a need to delve   de México. Recuperado de: http://
              from  the  generation of leachates   more deeply into this topic within the
              generated in landfills; but when we   environmental education subjects, such   jspui/bitstream/
              ask what is an emerging pollutant and   as environmental sanitation, chemical   /12518/3/Tesis.pdf.pdf
              what are the sources that generate   risk, toxicology, which are included in the   Becerril, J. (2009) Contaminantes
              this type of pollutants, the answers   curriculum of the study program.   emergentes  en  el  agua.  Revis-
              do not flow so quickly. Emerging                                   ta digital universitaria. 10, 1067
              contaminants, chemical substances,                                 – 6079. Recuperado de: http://
              both natural and synthetic, often go                     
              unnoticed due to their low concentration                           num8/art54/art54.pdf
              in water and soil (ppm or ppb), but                             Bedoya, D.; Lara, J.; Enríquez, A. (s.f.).
              they are present in most products of                               Ocurrencia de contaminantes
              daily use, such as personal hygiene                                emergentes en el ciclo urbano
              products, pharmaceuticals, hormones,                               del agua, caso Bogotá. Recu-
              pesticides, plasticizers, surfactants,                             perado de: https://repository.
              among others. The work developed                         
              together with students of the Industrial                           handle/10554/40186/En-
              Safety and Occupational Hygiene                                    rquezHidalgoAndresMauri-
              Engineering Program of the Horizonte                               cio2018_anexo2.pdf?sequen-
              University Foundation (UniHorizonte),                              ce=3&isAllowed=y
              in  the  GIRPEL  research  group,  was                          Patiño, Y.; Díaz, E.; Ordoñez, S. (2014).
              able to identify how much their fellow                             Microcontaminantes emergentes
              students know about the subject, what                              en aguas: Tipos y sistemas de tra-
              use they make of substances with the                               tamiento. Avances en ciencias e
              presence of emerging contaminants                                  ingeniería. 5(2): 1-20.
              and their responsibility in relation to the
              generation of this type of contaminants.
              The results obtained show that most
              of the students surveyed have heard
              the term emerging pollutants, but in
              reality they have very little knowledge
              about what type of substances generate

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